Sky...People...Disneyland Part 7

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It's 2017 and BTS is hitting the world stage in grand fashion.  They held their first World Tour for Wings and they ended their HYYW trilogy that started with the Red Bullet Tour.  BTS was enjoying the pleasure of fame outside of Korea.  It was all overwhelming and wonderful.  They had won many awards in Asia but none were more exciting than the award from Billboard for "Top Social Artist".  Their Twitter following had grown so much they had become the most engaged tweets on Twitter.  This was such an important win for them as they knocked out Canadian artist Justin Beiber to win that award.  That was major because it ushered them into the Western music market.  A nearly impossible feat for a Korean group.  The only other Korean artist to semi make it in the Western market with that kind of popularity was Psy for Gangnam Style.

They were invited to attend the Billboard awards in Las Vegas to receive their award.  It was a powerful night for them.  On the red carpet and inside the auditorium they were amazed at all the screaming fans there just for them.

During their stay in Las Vegas they had to run the gaunlet of American media, which was a daunting run at best.  Many radio stations and media outlets really had not done research on BTS so they didn't have a good understanding of their philosophy and their music which led to some rather embarassing questions.  Especially, when it came to Jimin and Jungkook.  Not directly, but none the less difficult.

One interviewer asked "So who is good with the ladies?"  Since RM was fluent in English he acted as group interpretor.  When the question was translated to Korean chaos sort of ensued as none of them really date.  So they all sort of fumbled around until they all settled on Jungkook.  This led to RM saying, "Well I guess, uh, well maybe Jungkook but we don't have time to date."

Jungkook merely replied, "Uh, thank you." and shyly looked down.

Jimin on the other hand looked rather perturb by the question and said nothing.  He just looked down too.  These kinds of questions bothered them.  They really wanted questions about their music and the message they were trying to convey not stupid vapid questions like "Who's good with the ladies?" and "Do you date?".

There were some interviewers who asked questions that were a little less personal but were just filler type questions.  One interviewer asked "What do you like to do on your free time?"  This wasn't a bad question.  Jungkook had been taking up photography and filmography over the last year or so and his interests lie in there.  He told the interviewer "I like to film".  The interview asked "What do you like to film?"  It sort of threw off Jungkook because his English was so bad he wasn't expecting to have to explain but he said "Sky...people" and points towards Jimin who just sits quietly rolling his bottom lip up to hide a smile.  The the interviewer asks "Where would you like to go if you had free time?" Jimin answers "Disneyland".  So many questions they received to answer were just intrusive these were just fluff questions they didn't mind answering.

In September the group was getting ready for the DNA comeback.  DNA was a new song on their next album trilogy Love Yourself: Her.  Love Yourself: Her was a trilogy that would deal with love and it's beginning, end and the process of learning to love your own self.  DNA was a brightly colored song with exquisite choreography.  The group had been invited to perform DNA on the American Music Awards in November of 2017.  It was another awards show and they would not be receiving an award but they would be receiving more recognition for their music outside of Korea.  That was important to them.

September is also Jungkook's birthday month and he was becoming an adult.  In Korea he would be considered fully responsible for his actions.  This meant he could make all of his own decisions and he would begin exercising them that month.

October is Jimin's birthday month and he would become 23-years old.  He was aware of what September meant for Jungkook and he had an idea to celebrate.  They would do a dance routine together with music by Park Ji-yoon called Adult Ceremony.  It is a coming of age anthem that has very sexy choreography. It is a song about a woman who has come of age and wants to give her virginity to the man she loves. The choreography that Jimin and Jungkook created was beatiful and telling of their relationship.

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