I Saw What You Did There... Part 5

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After all of the ground rules had been set by both the group within the dorm and with the Company, Jimin and Jungkook had to learn new ways to conduct themselves. The flirty Jimin had comeback in rare form when it came to Jungkook but it was how Jungkook responded that people took note of. Not only how he responded but if you watched Jungkook you would catch him staring at Jimin. He literally only had eyes for Jimin. Often times Jimin would catch him and Jungkook would shyly turn away with just a hint of blush. This would give Jimin the biggest smile. Another thing people noticed was that Jungkook loved to make Jimin laugh. He would do anything to see Jimin laugh...copy his dance moves and exagerate them, exagerate his singing style, tease him about his voice, and then tease him again about his height. All of it would give Jimin fits of giggles. Sometimes on broadcasts you could see them staring at each other through the lens of the camera. They were smitten with each other.

The one thing that Jungkook did that Jimin loved the most about Jungkook was the compliments. Jungkook never failed as a good boyfriend to compliment Jimin. It didn't matter where or about what Jungkook would find a reason to tell Jimin he looked handsome or that a dance move was sexy. Jimin revelled in it. It made him love Jungkook more. People took notice and began to speculate that Jimin and Jungkook were more than just brothers.

One night when Jimin and Jungkook were in Jungkook's room they were playing video games. Jimin was never very good at them but he really tried hard. During one of their gaming sessions in a particular part where Jimin's avatar was going to be defeated and killed Jungkook jumped in and wound up dying instead saving Jimin's avatar.

"I saw what you did there. You saved me by dying yourself. Well aren't you just the chivalrous one saving your beloved from certain death." Jimin said with his brightest eye smile.

"I should have let you die. I would have won, but no, I chose to save you instead." said Jungkook.

"Ah, well should I reward you for saving me?" said Jimin

"Well what reward do you have in mind?" asked Jungkook

"Oh this..." said Jimin as he gets up from the gamer chair in the room and goes over to the bean bag that Jungkook is lounging in. He lays on top of Jungkook and takes his face in his hands and begins to kiss Jungkook passionately.

Jungkook responds by allowing Jimin entrance to his mouth and Jimin and Jungkook begin to explore each other with passion barely coming up to breath. Then Jimin begins to kiss Jungkook along his jawline as Jungkook pulls Jimin from the waist in closer to him. He can feel Jimin against his thigh and an electric sensation begins in Jungkook's body. Jimin's kisses move down Jungkook's neck leaving small marks proving Jimin's existence. Jungkook's breathing is becoming a little shallow and rapid as he is enjoying the feel of Jimin on his body and the kisses he is giving him. A small moan escapes Jungkook's mouth causing Jimin to get excited himself.

"Oh, baby you feel so good. Your scent is intoxicating" Jimin says softly.

"You're making my body so excited. I want you so bad." Jungkook says in response.

"I do too but not now. I will make you feel things but I want that one thing to be special. Will you be patient?" Jimin asks.

" I don't know but I'll try. " Jungkook is kissing Jimin's neck as he runs his hand down his back to his butt and gives it a squeeze.

"It'll be ok baby. We'll know when the right time is but until then I can still make you happy." Jimin runs his hand down to Jungkook's cock and feels how hard it is and begins to rub it.

Jungkook starts to moan and sigh at how good that feels and he can feel Jimin's hardening cock on his thigh and he begins to move his leg to rub against Jimin's cock. Jimin beings to moan in pleasure too but before it becomes more than they can handle. Jimin kisses Jungkook hard then gets up causing Jungkook to moan in frustration.

"Baby, I promise I'll make you feel so good but not now, not today." says Jimin as he was walks out the door.

Jungkook yells, "Park Jimin!!!!" Throws his head back in frustration in the bean bag and just lays there with a massive hard on.

Jimin makes a bee-line for the bathroom and prayed no one was around to see him with a massive erection as he goes in. Fortunately, he hung his bathrobe back in the bathroom when he was done using it earlier. He strips down realizing he still has a massive hard on going on. He goes to the shower and turns on the hot water. He gets in allowing the water to run down his toned body. He throws his hands against the wall as if to help hold him up.

"Oh my Jungkookie! What are you doing to me?" Jimin says water rolling down his back. He takes his hard cock in his hand and begins to stroke himself. He starts slowly thinking what he wants to do to Jungkook until that electric feeling builds in the pit of his stomach and he feels ready to cum. He starts to stroke himself faster until it becomes erratic and then lets off.

"Gggaaaaahhh!" he moans out. "God I love you Jeon Jungkook."

While Jimin was in the shower finishing off what they started so was Jungkook. He wasn't going to let a perfectly good hard on just go flaccid. He too began to fantasize about Jimin doing it for him and before Jungkook knew it he came and came hard.

"Jimin-ah!!" He yelled in a whisper.

Jimin finished and headed to his room. JHope was sitting on his bed looking at clothes online when Jimin walked in.

"Oh, decided to take a shower? It's so early." said JHope.

"I just felt like one. Is that ok?" Jimin said

"Yeah, it's fine. So what's up with you and Kookie?"

"We just finished playing some video games." said Jimin

"Did you do anything else?" JHope says with a nudge/wink kind of expression.

"What are you getting at Hobi-hyung?" said Jimin

"Just wondering. You know since you are boyfriends I assume someone's getting something around here."

"First, I wouldn't tell you if I was and second, we aren't at that level...yet and third, I wouldn't tell you if I was, Nosy Rosy." Jimin says.

"Well! Fine then! I thought since we were roommates that we pretty much new everything about each other." JHope says in a sarcastic huff.

"Hyung, we do know everything about each other but sometimes there are just things that are better left undiscussed and whether I gave Jungkook head or not is one of those undiscussed things, but if you absolutely must know because you will die a horrible painful death for not knowing, then NO! I haven't given Kookie head...yet."

"Well, ok. Thank you for telling me. I can live for another week at least. What are you going to do now?" Jhope says.

"I think I'm going to read some. I'm kind of tired. What are you doing?" Jimin says.

"I'm going to go talk to Tae about some clothing we saw that we may want to purchase." JHope says.

"Oh, ok. Don't spend everything you have." Jimin says and laughs as he opens up his iPad and goes to some books he has stored.

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