Through The Eye of A Camera Part 8

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The time had come for Jimin and Jungkook's trip to Tokyo.  How was this going to work?  The plan was easier than expected.  Of course it got out somehow that they had planned a trip together but what also got leaked about the trip was that Taehyung was supposed to be going.  The truth was the day before they were "all" supposed to leave Tae suddenly has a family obligation he must fulfill.  Not wholy incorrect, he did go to visit family.  It was already a planned trip.  The next part of the plan included Jimin's Dad and Junghyung.  They would also be accompanying Jimin and Jungkook on the trip.  They a point.

Jimin, Jungkook, Junghyung and Mr. Park all arrived at the Incheon Airport.  They were escorted to a V.I.P. Lounge where they would wait for their flight.  Four went in but two would come out to board their flight when ready.  The lounge offered the privacy they needed from the prying eyes of sasaeng.  Another thing Jimin didn't expect was that Jungkook would be video recording their trip.  He found it a pleasant surprise thinking it was just something for them to have as a memory.  Jungkook had intentions of capturing on video  most of their trip.  So Jungkook begins filming from the V.I.P lounge and onto the plane.

Jimin and Jungkook arrive in Tokyo and are not really recognize for the most part.  This provides them with a level of anonimity and privacy that was pleasant and unexpected.  They are able to walk the streets with relatively few people recognizing them and most just leaving them alone.  They go shopping with Jimin looking in very high end shops in Tokyo.  Shops like Gucci and Armani.  Their level of fame has given them a lifestyle that can afford such luxury items.

Jungkook had just prior to the trip spent a large amount of money on a new screen and projector camera for his room so he did not have the funds to spend on such luxuries.  Jimin thought this was funny and would laugh in an interview when Jungkook related the story months later. All the while Jungkook continues to film.

Jungkook films them eating beef at a restaurant.  Jimin laughing at how full he feels.  Jungkook films video of the surrounding area and things that catch his attention like a big beautiful ferris wheel with multicolored lights that flash between rainbow and white.  He captures the moon over Tokyo.  Video of them walking out of their hotel onto the streets of Tokyo.

After such an exciting day they go back to the hotel room.  Jungkook shows Jimin some of the things he has captured on his camera and Jimin is amazed at how beautiful it all looks.  He becomes shy at all the video Jungkook caught of just him.  He can tell Jungkook captured the love Jimin has for him.

Jimin and Jungkook take showers and get ready for bed.  They have shared beds before that's certainly nothing new but both are exhausted from the travels of the day.  They crawl into bed and snuggle up to each other.

"Jungkook-ah, thank you for the best gift of my life." Jimin says sweetly.

"Oh, aegiya did you think it was over?" Jungkook says hugging Jimin closer.

"It's not?" Jimin asks

"No, but I don't think you are ready for the rest yet." Jungkook says.

"What makes you say that?"  Jimin says and he can hear just how tired Jimin is as he whispers that question.

Jungkook whispers back, "Because you are too tired my love."  He kisses Jimin on the foreheard as he watches his lover fall sweetly to sleep.

Jungkook thinks to himself."  You know I know it's his birthday and this is my gift to him but he is also my gift.  He has given himself to me in so many selfless and wonderful ways and I am the luckiest man in the world.  I have the world's most beautiful and perfect angel in my arms."  Then Jungkook closes his eyes with a smile on his lips and Jimin tightly in his arms.

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