It was Friday finally. This weekend was going to be great because me and Anthony are hanging out for the first time. We get into my car and drive to Starbucks after school was over.
"I am so happy we are out of that hell hole of a school! Know I get to relax and have coffee with my gurl. " Anthony yelled over the music.
I yelled back, "Yeah I hear ya. I can't wait for my Caramel Frap!"
On the radio was boom clap and we sing it at the top of our lungs. We then arrive at Starbucks. I ordered my caramel Frap while Anthony ordered a passion fruit tea and a pizza pretzel.
"Oh what a long week" I said as we sat at an outside table on the patio.
Anthony talks with his mouth stuffed, "You don't ever know. It felt like five years went by. Anyway what's up with you and Amber?"
"I don't even know anymore. She always ditches me for her loser friends who she known for only a year. While she knew me for eight. I can't stand her anymore." I exclaimed.
He then tells me. "You just got to tell her that you can't stand how you always hangout with all your other friends longer then me. If she doesn't understand then you need to ditch her ass."
"Thanks for your advice. I hope she doesn't get all you know."
After that long talk we eventually leave for the movies.
Later that night I receive a text from Amber.
(A=Amber. R=Rebecca.)
A-I don't think we should be friends anymore.
I look at the text clear as day and get so angry and confused.
R- what do you mean we shouldn't be friends?
A- your too immature for me and it's annoying and childish. We haven't hung out for ever and you always bring all of our fights into social media. I need to grow up and if it means leaving you then so be it. I'm not your friend.
R- Are you serious? I'm immature. Yeah right your always making remark comments and you always want to play video games and kid games. I'm not the only one who brings the fights into social media! The only way you could grow up is to leave your friends Jamie and Karlie since there 19 and not in college. Like that's mature.
A- don't worry about Jamie and Karlie there my friends. They have jobs and you don't. At least I have friends unlike you.
R-so your gonna stop being my friend of eight years. Just like that? I have friends btw. Anthony the new kid and Heather from my volunteer job.
A- yeah right. I saw you talk to him once doesn't mean a thing. whatever I have to go please don't text me anymore and delete my number please.
R-whatever I don't need your ass.
After our long talk I start to cry. She was my best friend for years and suddenly drops me like that. I couldn't deal with it anymore and call Anthony and tell him everything.
"It'll be okay Bex. Who cares about Amber you don't need her you got me. I'll be here forever." He calms me down.
"Thanks Anthony you been great. I don't think I would of last without you. I may have...done something." I told him.
"Oh honey don't ever. I'm here."
I cry myself to sleep. It was hard to sleep but I did.
The next morning after I volunteer at the hospital I shower and put on a white t-shirt and black sweats to watch movie marathons. I eat my tub of icing and cry watching 'bride wars'. I hear my phone ring and see its Anthony.
"Hey girl how's everything?"
I said dreary, "Fine I guess."
He says, "Fine? Doesn't sound fun. Where do you live?"
"Just want to see if we live close." Anthony says.
I tell him where I live. We only live four blocks away from each other. After a hour later I hear a knock on my front door. I get up and open the door and right there was Anthony.
"Can't be sad and lonely without some coffee now can we."
I smile and let him in. We watch movies and eat icing and drink coffee.
Thanks for reading please like and follow. If you want you could read my other stories.

Friends forever. Not. (Lohanthony fanfic)
FanfictionRebecca Sanders always was that girl who wasn't the most popular girl and she was always shy. She been best friends with Amber for about eight years. Amber was her only friend. Until she ditches her for her other friends. Now alone and no one else t...