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A terrible hurricane just passed ... I think I wanted to share it here :D

<The Heroes of Asgard is online>

Harry: William! You need to help me! I have this case and stuffsss!! Please!

William: Just because I'm British doesn't mean I'm bloody Sherlock.

Travis: Uhh ... what's with all the mess outside?

Harry: A hurricane messed our school up.

Niall: Really? IT'S A TIME TO REJOICE!

Travis: Niall, make sure you can turn that Caps Lock off.



Niall: As if you can scare me ~

William: You just turned your caps lock off.

Niall: Don't make me wanna go to your rooms and ruin your life.

Fraulein: Hey, hey, why does the Archeologist feel bad?

Harry: We need to clean up Midhalla.

Nari: There's a competition on who can clean the fastest and the cleanest.

Harry: Yeah I heard so.

Fraulein: BECAUSE HIS JOB IS IN RUINS! Got it? Anyone?

Travis: I heard Suden had started cleaning.

Sygfried: And Osten developed a technology to fasten up their cleaning.

Harry: Dangit. Let's just hurry up!

Fraulein: My joke is funny, isn't it? :)

William: I shall start cleaning the turf's roof.

Travis: Wow, can you do it by yourself?

William: Of course I can!

Nari: Harry and I will gather the sticks and stuffs ...

Harry: Pft. 

Travis: Sygfried and I will just sweep the surroundings.

Fraulein: Did anyone get my joke? ... the Archeologist's job is in Ruins ...  ? It's in the Ruins, guys ..?

<The Chat has been disbanded>

Niall: I tried hard not to notice Fraulein's joke ... It was actually funny though.

William: NIALL!!!

Niall: What?

William: Log off.

Niall: How?

William: Do it like this.

<William logged off>

Niall: Like what?

Niall: What's Sherlock talking about?

A/N: There will be more of it! I just need to finish my homework :D

I'm just thinking ... should I put some pairings? If so ... what/who? It can be anyone, as long as you guys like it ... :/

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