gender roles - slam poetry

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"why is it that even before children are born a role, a stereotype, a mold is set in place for them?

the innocent infant boys;

as toddlers are praised by being labeled as "little ladies men", and when they grow up to be gay are disowned
as children are told to play with race cars and dinosaurs, "boys toys", and are later hazed for liking dolls instead, "girls toys"
as teens are forced into football they don't like, told to act like and be like "men", and if they don't they're referred to as weak or feminine for enjoying theatre

the innocent infant girls;

as toddlers are praised for asking other little boys for help, parents commenting saying "what a lovely little housewife she'll make", yet are disgusted when she becomes independent
as children are told "you're too young to know what you want, it's simply a phase" when they realize they like women instead of men
as teens are forced to be submissive and lesser than to men, "it happens all the time", "maybe you shouldn't dress that way", "you were leading him on", and later offended when she leads a substantial revolt

why can't people just be people?

why can't there be no more gender norms?

let guys be guys— feminine, masculine, gay, or straight, and everything in between

let girls be girls— feminine, masculine, lesbian, or straight, and everything in between

and let those who are neither— not man nor woman, or even both for that matter, live their lives like the others:


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