you and i - poetry

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"i like to think about

what has been,

what is currently being,


what will be.

it lets me forget everything,

even if for a brief second—

i get to just let go,

and simply exist.

it lets my mind wander,

like alice throughout wonderland—

walking to and fro,

trying to find her way.

some think losing yourself is a bad thing,

but sometimes—

losing yourself within yourself is all you need.

to be caught up within yourself,

and not in the drama of the world—

to focus solely on you and your wellbeing.

i like to think about

what has been,

what is currently being,


what will be.

i wish for you and i to find ourselves,

not within the constrictions of society,

but within one another—

to find the love we share and never lessen our grasp on it."

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