ruth's letter - love poem/poetry

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"my loving ruth—

oh, how it has saddened me over the years that we couldn't be the lovers who we were meant to be. i loved you with every fiber of my being and you, adored me completely... but the timing was all but right, and the people we cared so much for couldn't understand the pure passion we shared together.

and because of this, you attempted to move on, to seem normal, to run from me... but it all came back around, to meet you once again— as the mirage of a marriage with someone you tried to love utterly backfired.

without me, your life was filled to the brim with sadness and pain; not a single ounce of happiness filled your bones. your speech had forgotten what it was like to have the tender laugh it breathed so often when i was about. and your face, forever beaten by the hand forcing you to love it, to protect your unforgiving secret. by the hand of the being that only repulsed you.

the hand of a man.

and i, your charismatic "bee charmer" as you would call it, stood my ground heroically in your defense. for the love you had tried to hide for many years, still burned stronger than ever before within my soul, and could never be brought to the slightest sizzle.

...but now you're gone.

and i'm left wondering alone:

do you still watch over me from the highest, thickest clouds? do you still dream of the dances we paced along the earth's dehydrated soil, and the many secret rendezvous we shared along the distant railroad tracks deep within the town forest? do you still taste the bittersweetness of honey from that old oak tree in the middle of the open prairie?

my dear,

do you still remember your love for me?

for i, will forever and always be in love with you.

— with the sincerest love,
your bee charmer,

idgie threadgoode"

©️ - copyright of character names & plot line from:
- "fried green tomatoes"
- 12/27/1991
- by director: jon avnet 

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