stay - poetry/song lyrics

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"five days.

three-hundred and sixty grueling days i've spent with you on my mind,
and it's almost time to see you once again.

it's so peculiar to think that it's almost here;
that i'll get to see you again,
i'll get to feel your caresses,
hear your words,
smell your perfume,
taste your lips...

i write about you a lot,
how much i love and miss you,
how much i yearn for you,
but i'm glad.

you're all that's ever been on my mind,
you only stay in when i want you to stay out.

it's now time for me to make up for my wrongs,
to finally get to love you with the fullness of my heart,
and give you a proper goodbye after our precious time is up.

unlike last year:
when we were ripped apart,
alike romeo and juliet,
two halves fit for a whole,
who were never allowed to love one another.

but this time around will be different.

i promise you,
this year will be the official start of something beautiful;
that cannot bend nor break,
only strengthen,
and blossom,
into the true love we share."

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