Chapter 5

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* two days later*

7:30 am

Gathering the last of Juliet things I neatly pack them in her tiny pink suitcase. She won't stay this small forever, every day her face matures and her body changing to become the most perfect child I've ever laid eyes on. Resembling her father more and more each day.

"Juliet honey it's time to go! We don't want to miss our flight to see dad do we?"

"No mom! I'm coming" She comes running around the corner with her favourite backpack filled with all her toys and books. "Can I bring these?"

"Sure you can sweetie, now let's go to dad!" I excitingly exclaimed as I picked up our suitcases and made my way outside to our car.

"Hi, Carol! Thanks for taking us again, I really appreciate it"

"Of course loves, it's my pleasure!" Carol was our trusty neighbour who just moved in only a month earlier. Her and Juliet had become great friends, two peas in a pod they are.

I strapped Juliet in her car seat and we were off. It feel like forever since I last saw him, it breaks my heart how upset he must be to constantly be away from his family, given how much he loves us I could never understand. He sacrifices so much to give us a good life. I'll never know how to ever repay him.


"So Juliet honey, are you excited to see your dad on set? " Carol said as she turned slightly to see Juliet smiling wide.

"Yes! I miss him so much, we are gonna so much fun! We're gonna play games and watch movies and and have dinner together! I'm so excited!!" She started kicking her feet in her chair and giggling as she finished each sentence. I giggled at her energy level knowing she is just gonna sleep as soon as we get on the plane.

"We sure will my love!" I smiled at her as she turned her attention back to her book.

The car fell silent as we gained focus on the road and Juliet read in the backseat and before we knew it we pulled into the airport drop off.

"Here we are my loves! Enjoy your time with the husband and be sure to call me once you made it! Have fun!"

"Thank you so much, Carol, for the ride! We appreciate it. Say bye to Carol!" I smiled and Carol and then turned my attention to Juliet.

"Bye, miss Carol thank you for driving us." She smiled at her and grabbed her backpack and shut the car door.

"Have a good fight. I'll see you soon"

"Let's so see daddy now!" I exciting said and grabbed Juliet's hand as we walked to the check-in point.

"Hello, welcome. What flight are you checking into?"

"Hi, uhm to Los Angeles at 9:00 am, we have two suitcases and two carry-ons."

"Perfect just set them on the scale to your left and we will get those on the plane for you!" I handed her our tickets and waited patiently as she checked them. "For Juliet Hiddleston and Marizia Hiddleston? Like as in Marzia and Juliet.... Tom Hiddleston's wife and daughter? "

I chuckled slightly at the light in her eyes as the grew twice the size at her realization. "Yes, you're correct. But would you mind to keep it down, we have a flight to catch. And I'm not really up to screaming teenagers" I smiled slightly as I winked at the young lady.

"Oh, of course, Mrs. Hiddleston. Your secret is safe with me" She whispered close to me. She coughed slightly as her posture got straighter. "Enjoy your flight miss and have a wonderful day."

"You too darling." I smiled and waved at her one last time as Juliet and I made our way to security. "Now sweet heart this is going to be a bit of a long flight okay? I don't want you fusing if you get bored, we'll watch a movie together, play games if you can't sit still. It's just gonna be a little bit longer until we get to daddy. Sound good?"

"Okay, mommy. I promise I won't be bad."

"That's my girl!" I kissed her forehead and picked her up as we walked up to the security line.

We waited in line for about 10 minutes before it was finally our turn, which isn't as bad as I've ever experienced but when you're tired and just want to see your seems like forever.

"Good morning miss, make sure all your pockets are clear, belts are off, shoes are off, and your cell phone is in your bag and not on your person. Make sure to have your daughter ready as well to go through the metal detector." I quickly take off my shoes and empty my pockets as I do the same for Juliet. "Alright sweetie come on in first." The TSA agent said to my daughter [Gosh they are nice today, that's the first.] Juliet looked at me with worried eyes as she walked towards the *Big, scary machine*

"You're okay honey, it's not scary. I'm right behind you." I smiled at my sweet 6 year old as she carefully stepped forward pass the machine. "Good girl, now mommy's turn!" I smiled at the TSA agent who had no emotional on his face [spoke too soon didn't I?]

I make it through security with no issues, which is the first for me. Easy and painless. We began our long adventure to our terminal which was about a good 10 min walk from where we are at this moment.

"Are you hungry at all baby? Do you need a snack or a drink?" Come to think of it I'm hungry myself, I don't even know why I asked in the first place.

"Yes, I'm really thirsty," She said in the most precious 6-year-old way possible.

"Okay let's go get snacks!"


It's now 8:30 we have our snacks and we are just about to be boarded and finally, finally make our way to my beautiful, amazing, fantastic man. 2 months is hard, I feel for anyone who has to do long distance like this for months and months on end. They are truly one of the strongest people yet. Cause damn it it's hard.

I pull out my phone to text Tom. I debate letting him know that we are on our way now, I already couldn't keep it a surprise that we were taking a trip down. But I never told him that we would be leaving in just two days after that. I typed the message out fully to see if I should just go for it and warn him.

After going back and fourth for about 5 minutes I come to the conclusion that it must be best to just surprise him. Because what's the worst that could happen?

Perfect To Us (Third book in 'The Day We Met' trilogy) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now