Chapter 3

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     By the time Sparkwhisker came padding through the camp entrance alongside Toadface, the hot sun had risen to the center of the sky, beating down on those sharing tongues in the clearing. Scarleg lifted her head to welcome him, busy dosing alone near the warriors den, enjoying the soft shade cast from the thick bramble. Sparkwhisker returned her warm gesture with a wave of his blond tail, bringing his fresh-kill to plop across from her. He dropped a plump mouse at her paws, keeping a robin for himself.

      "Good day for hunting," Scarleg purred, not realizing her own hunger, "I wish I could have joined you. The morning patrol was the same as usual; no sign of Thornclan."

      "So I've heard. We haven't seen anything on the few evening patrols I've been on, either."

      Scarleg nodded, taking a bite of her mouse. She seemed lost in thought. "It just doesn't make any sense. Why declare war, then hide away? Every cat seems relieved at their absence, but I can't help but worry thats exactly how they want us to feel."

      Sparkwhisker nodded silently, looking across camp towards the half-tree. Suntail was just padding out from the path leading back towards Webear's den, busy as usual. However, Scarleg thought, she seemed to have a bit more on her paws lately than usual.

      "Have you seen Snowstar at all today?" Scarleg mumbled, flicking an ear.

      "No, I didn't see him this morning while you were out on patrol. I left to hunt a bit after; I assumed he would be out and about by the time your patrol returned."

      "He wasn't," Scarleg turned her head to Sparkwhisker, blinking at his blue-green gaze. "I don't remember him leaving for the Stone-hollow, or even leaving camp at all. Do you think he's still in his den?"

      Sparkwhisker shrugged, finishing the last of his robin and rubbing a paw over his whiskers. "Suntail seems on top of everything that needs to be done, and she hasn't said anything, has she? Perhaps he's just come down with a cold."

      Uncertainty at his optimism pricked at Scarleg's paws, and she turned her head back to look at Snowstar's den, tucked behind the half-tree. She had noticed a change in her leader ever since her naming ceremony, and Snowstar always makes it his priority to greet the patrols and oversee all camp activity. Suntail had been taking care of everything today; she couldn't remember seeing Snowstar at all.

      "I'm going to check on him," Scarleg mewed, standing and shaking her pelt. She couldn't bring herself to finish the mouse, so she decided to bring it to his den. If he hadn't left, that meant he may not have eaten. "Thank you for the mouse, Sparkwhisker. Im just not hungry."

      He blinked, watching as she padded off towards the end of camp, her mind swirling with all her worries. She had been like this ever since the night they battled Pebblestar and his deputy, losing Woodpaw to the raging river. Her childish demeanor seemed so far away now, preparing for an attack from Thornclan at any moment.
      She stopped at the lichen-covered entrance before her, mewing to signal to Snowstar she was there, but no sound followed from inside the darkness. Her ears turned back as she slowly pushed her way inside, noticing the white form of Snowstar tucked back against the den wall. He was facing away from her, ears flat, not moving a muscle. She mewed again, watching him intently, but again he gave no response.

     "Snowstar," she finally called, dropping the prey at her paws. Snowstar jumped at this, spinning around, eyes wide. There was an expression there that she couldn't recognize, piercing her heart and sending a chill down her spine. After what felt like a moon he let out a raspy gasp, slowly letting the fur on his back lie against his pelt again. He shook his head, shutting his eyes.

      "Scarleg. My apologies; you've caught me at a bad time." He sat heavily back onto the sandy ground, flicking an ear. Sunlight filtered in through the lichen, revealing how elderly he looked. His white pelt seemed dull, unkept, and the way he sat made it seem as if he was struggling to keep himself up. Scarleg felt uncomfortable, feeling her own neck fur slowly rise.

      "I brought you fresh-kill Sparkwhisker caught," she mumbled, narrowing her eyes slightly. "I've been worried about you. No cat has seen you all day."

      Looking down at the mouse, Snowstar seemed to remember his own hunger. He blinked back up at her. "Ah, yes. I woke up with a bit of a fever, but I'll be fine. How are the patrols?" Scarleg knew he was attempting to shift the discussion, and she didn't believe him. He's been acting strange for a few sunrises now, ever since her naming ceremony. This wasn't just a fever affecting her leader, and she knew it.

      "Quiet. Thornclan has been renewing their markers, but they seem weak. Theres been no sign of them in our territory."

      "Thats good," Snowstar coughed, a retched sound. Scarleg winced as he bent down, settling himself closer to the mouse. His whole form shivered as the coughing fit racked his body, and as he finished, he began devouring the mouse as if he hadn't eaten in moons. Scarleg slowly sat, flattening her ears.

      "Do you think you'll be fit enough to attend the gathering tomorrow, Snowstar?

      "I must," he grumbled, licking his jowls. "Rainclan will appear strong and battle-ready, as we are." He shuffled his paws. "As I am."

      There was a silence between the two cats for a moment. She knew Snowstar was only trying to convince her that he was alright, but behind his bluffing, there was a sense of something else; something he wasn't telling her. A guilt that swam through his gaze every time he looked at her, making him look away. Before she could speak, he stood, puffing out his chest.

      "Don't worry about me, Scarleg. I only need some rest. You may go now." Scarleg opened her mouth to say more, but held her tongue. She wasn't even sure what it is she wanted to say. With doubt biting away at her stomach, Scarleg stood, bowing her head towards the leader. She turned and padded out of his den without a word, passing Webear on her way out. She blinked in surprise, twitching her tail as Scarleg mewed a greeting at the medicine cat.

      "Ah, hello Webear. Are you going in to see to Snowstar's fever?"

      "Yes, I am!" Webear announced, quickly padding past Scarleg without meeting her gaze. "Nice seeing you."

      Scarleg nodded, letting the medicine cat pass, noticing with a prick of uncertainty that Webear did not bring with her any feverfew. She knew Webear was lying.

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