Chapter 6

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      The tunnel leading into the Mapleclan camp was shrouded by thick brush and growth, the ground under-paw pressed and flattened by generations of warriors. She felt her own paws slip comfortably into an old paw print, amazed at how her memories were slowly beginning to come back to her the deeper she trekked through Mapleclan's territory. Many things from her past were shrouded in an impenetrable fog, never before feeling the need to learn more until now. Looking up, she saw Hawkheart at the lead, her strong shoulders moving with a purpose through the tunnel. She didn't look back once, and Scarlegs began to doubt her suspicions; perhaps Hawkheart had nothing to share with her after all. Perhaps it was better that way.

      Eventually the tunnel opened to a wide clearing, surrounded by strong maple trees on all sides, rocks and stones from the ravine filtering through the camp. It was late, and many cats were tucked away to the safety of their dens, the only remaining souls in sight being Tanglestar and a smaller apprentice tom, standing near the largest of the stones near the far end of the clearing. They stood at the arrival of the patrol, Tanglestar padding forward slowly, showing no visible relief at the sight of the comfrey.

      "Webear," she spoke, her voice raspy and defensive, "Mapleclan thanks you for your generosity." She cast her gaze down onto Scarlegs for a moment, cold acknowledgment shining in her eyes. Scarlegs felt her pelt rise under the judging eye of the leader; Tanglestar knew who she was.

      "Of course," Webear spoke, "I have enough comfrey to share. Smallglow has helped Rainclan before; it's the least I could do for Sootstep." Tanglestar gave a curt nod, tearing her eyes away from Scarlegs.

      "Smallglow will show you to the medicine cat den," she grumbled, raising her head slightly. "Understand that Mapleclan owes nothing to Rainclan because of this. It was an act of generosity for you to bring us this herb; nothing more." Webear twitched her tail in surprise, narrowing her eyes at the leader. Scarlegs flattened her ears as well; what was her problem? She should be thankful!

      "I'd hope any other cat would do the same." Webear grunted, seeming offended, before padding off to follow Smallglow inside the clearing. Scarlegs gave one last look towards Tanglestar, saying nothing, as she followed. The apprentice at Tanglestar's side seemed to be watching her intently as she walked away.

      "Please excuse Tanglestar's words," Smallglow mumbled, "everyone's been on edge since the gathering. I'm incredibly thankful for your help."

      "I know," Webear mewed in a soft tone, "Don't worry. You did the right thing in asking for help." Smallglow smiled, thankful, but her expression immediately fell again, weighed down by some sort of stress Scarlegs could never understand. She looked back towards the clearing, noticing Hawkheart speaking softly to the apprentice tom from before. He bowed his head towards her, Hawkheart giving him a quick lick between the ears, before padding off into the apprentice den. Hawkheart watched him go, her yellow slits glowing in the darkness, then turned her gaze towards Scarlegs for the first time. The clearing was empty now, occupied only by the two medicine cats and themselves. Hawkheart jerked her head towards the camp entrance, signaling for Scarlegs to follow. She looked back at Webear and Smallglow, who were distracted by their own soft conversation of medicine cat worries; dropping her mouthful of the comfrey silently next to Webear's, Scarlegs slowly made her way into camp, after her sister. Tanglestar must've returned to her den.

      "We couldn't speak with eyes on us before," Hawkheart mewed, taking a seat on the sandy ground within the dark tunnel. Scarlegs blinked in understanding.

      "So, you've been named deputy in place of Sootstep, then?"

      "Yes," there was a flicker of doubt in Hawkheart's eyes for a moment. "He's no longer able to live the life of a warrior."

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