Chapter 5

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     "This madness has gone on long enough," Snowstar yowled, the clan gathered below the half-tree. The moon was still high above, full and watchful, as the cats of Rainclan yowled back with fury and anger. Scarlegs was standing off towards the nursery next to Leopardeye, who was snarling her approval. Opal was tucked away inside the den in fear, Honeykit pulled close to her mothers chest, her amber eyes wide and attempting to catch any view of the excitement going on outside. Snowstar would have the rogue queen speak on what she knew about Thornclan soon, and Scarlegs could see she was terrified; she was no prisoner, but she held valuable information, and the clan cats were fueled with rage.

     "Thornclan threatens our territory, our lives; I will not stand for this any longer." Snowstar's tail lashed out behind him, seeming much stronger than when Scarlegs saw him in his den only a sunrise ago. Still, there was a flicker of fear in his icy stare that hasn't disappeared. Was he afraid of Thornclan, or was it something else?

     "Tonight, we are bound by Starclan's ancient truce. We will take this time to organize a battle patrol, strengthen the protection on our dens and the camp, and prepare to fight at sunrise. We won't let any clan threaten our home, no matter how many cats we must face!" Scarlegs joined the cries of approval, her blood pumping loudly in her ears. She could feel every cat's excitement buzzing through the air like an electric current, claws unsheathed and fangs flashing in the moonlight. Snowstar held his tail high for silence after a moment, turning his head towards the nursery, the crowd below clearing a path.

     "Opal has agreed to share her knowledge of Thornclan with us," he bowed his head, "and now we shall listen." The soft queen slowly pushed her way out of the den, ears flat against the stares of the cats around her, as she padded to stand under the half-tree, Honeykit right at her paws. The small kit hid behind her mothers legs but gazed out, mystified by the cats around her; they all watched in silent anticipation as she took a moment to collect herself and her thoughts. Even Snowstar was watching her intently, his tail twitching behind him.

     "I was a house cat before I joined Thornclan," Opal mewed, her voice shaking and quiet. "Pebblestar and his cats raided the streets where we lived. Many cats he attacked lived without owners, but there were others like me, taken from our homes by force." She stopped for a moment, looking down at Honeykit, who turned her eyes to the half-tree above. The kit's smile betrayed the seriousness of the situation she was in. "Pebblestar told us if we stayed in our homes, the other clans of the forest were already planning on coming to kill us. He said that if we joined him, he would protect us." At this, the crowd began hissing, Scarlegs turning towards Leopardeye in disbelief.

     "We've never even set foot out near the two-leg place! Why would we want to attack?"

     "The kitty-pets don't know that," Leopardeye growled, "Pebblestar is feeding them lies."

     Scarlegs turned her head back to Opal as she began to speak again, flattening her ears. "Many of us began to realize Pebblestar had lied once we had been brought into camp, but they wouldn't let us leave. If we didn't declare our loyalty, we would be killed. Many cats who spoke out began to disappear; we'd wake up to their bodies in the clearing." She shivered, pulling Honeykit closer to her for comfort. "Pebblestar may have many cats, but they don't all follow him. They're only afraid. They'll leave his side if you give them a chance."

     "Are they trained to fight?" Suntail called, many other cats mumbling in agreement. They were curious how much of a threat these rogues posed.

     "We were all required to train for battle, but there was too many of us for them to train properly. If they know anything at all, it won't be enough to defeat you." She hesitated, locking eyes with Suntail. "However, Pebblestar still has his warriors; the cats that were a part of the clan before us. They are deadly."

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