Chapter 10

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       Scarlegs got quickly wrapped up in a fight with the second warrior, recognizing her as Tinywind, a small she-cat who she vaguely remembered seeing at her first gathering. Scarlegs found herself pinned to the grass, Tinywind's teeth biting down into her shoulder, causing Scarlegs to yowl and scratch at her under-belly with her sharp hind claws. Tinywind recoiled from the pain, giving Scarlegs a chance to stand and hiss harshly at the patrol ahead of her. Sparkwhisker was still fighting against Snakefang, Buckpaw joining in their tussle as well, so she turned her attention back to Tinywind, who was already rearing up for another attack. Scarlegs was ready, keeping low to the ground, pouncing backward at the last moment to then charge the small she-cat with a loud oof. Tinywind went flying backward, landing uncomfortably in the water. She worried for a moment that Tinywind might've landed on the sharp stones under the stream, but after a few moments, the she-cat's small brown head poked up from out of the water, swimming miserably across to the Mapleclan side of the ravine. She gave a sour expression back towards Scarlegs before limping heavily into the forest, back towards her camp.

      "Sparkwhisker," Scarlegs called, "I'm coming!" She sprinted over towards her friend, still locked in battle, only to be stopped by Hawkheart pouncing in her path. Her sister's yellow eyes were glowing with rage, but just as she raised her claws to strike, she froze; something in her eyes flickered, searching Scarlegs own green gaze, before slowly lowering her claws back to the ground. 

      Our truce, Scarlegs thought with a shudder, we can't fight eachother.

      Scarlegs looked past Hawkheart to see Buckpaw watching the two, eyes wide and confused. His gaze flicked from his mentor to Scarlegs, frozen in place, watching. He was waiting for his mentor to strike the enemy.

      Scarlegs pushed past Hawkheart harshly, sending her staggering to the side, and jumped right into Sparkwhisker's vicious fight to tear Snakefang away by the scruff. She slashed his side, spraying red droplets through the air, as he yowled out in pain. He stammered off of Sparkwhisker, who was panting heavily, a few nasty wounds dripping red with blood. Hawkheart's loud yowl filled the air, calling her patrol, taking a few steps back from the fight. 

      "This issue will be discussed at the gathering," Hawkheart growled, still looking uncomfortably at Scarlegs, "This is your warning. Stay away from Mapleclan's territory, or we'll have to send you away for good." She waved her tail, already beginning to cross the stream back into her territory, Snakefang following reluctantly behind her. He sent vicious glares Sparkwhisker's way, who returned them with a loud scoff, spitting blood into the dirt at his paws. Buckpaw crossed the stream last, locking eyes with Scarlegs for a moment. His face was twisted in a mixture of rage and confusion, but he said nothing as he slowly waded into the water, following his clanmates into the thick forest ahead. Scarlegs watched him go, a cold fear running through her veins; Had he seen her encounter with Hawkheart?

      She will deal with it, Scarlegs thought with a sigh, theres nothing I can do about it now.

     "Are you alright?", Scarlegs turned her attention to Sparkwhisker, who had a nasty bloody nose. He shook his head, sending blood flying through the air, standing with a twitchy tail.

      "I'll be alright. It's partially my fault for provoking Snakefang like that."

      "Partially?" Scarlegs twitched her whiskers in amusement, flicking his pale shoulder with her tail. He smiled back at her, cuffing her lightly over the ears with his paw.

      "Yeah, yeah. Let's just say we're both equally guilty."

      "We should return back to camp," Scarlegs blinked, looking up to the sky. The sun had already risen, the warm morning air blowing around them. "Snowstar has to know about this as soon as possible."

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