Keep Marching On

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A/N: This chapter was inspired by the video above


Nell sat covered in blood feeling tired, almost broken and defeated. Ever since Thorin had broken the barricade to Erebor down and the company came running out, she had been fighting orc after orc. Her muscles ached and she wasn't entirely sure she could swing her sword again if she needed to. But she had to keep marching on. She couldn't give up, not know. Not when they were so close to defeating Azog. For Thorin, the man she considered a father, the dwarf who had lost so much, and for her husbands who she had promised to protect; she would keep fighting until she couldn't fight anymore. This was worth fighting for.

With a deep breath she willed her body to keep going, to do one last thing. Looking out from the little spot in which Fili had hid her when they searched the tower she saw Azog holding her husband by the back of his neck and taunting Thorin. She knew what the pale orc was planning and she wasn't going to let it happen. A grimace covered her face as she stood, her body protesting the movement, but she did it. Letting out a battle cry Nell ran forth as fast as she could to stop Azog from stabbing Fili. And her plan worked. Unfortunately it hadn't worked the way she wanted. Instead of bringing her sword up in time, Nell had stopped Fili from getting stabbed by getting stabbed herself and causing Azog to drop Fili.i

Nell looked down at herself and right below her left collarbone Azog’s blade rested. She looked up at him as he snarled. “Guess you failed at ending the line of Durin again,” she told him with a raspy breath. He pulled his blade from her and she dropped to her knees. Tears poured down her face, but they weren't out of pain or even sadness. Nell was alright with dying. She had done the one thing she said she would do, protect the line of Durin even if it meant her life. And with as much blood was coming from her wound it very well might. “Nooo!” Fili yelled as he picked up her sword that she had dropped and drove it through Azog's heart finally ending the pale orc’s life.

Dropping the sword he raced toward his wife sliding on his knees to rest beside her, pulling her head into his lap. “Come on Nell you can't leave us like this. You gotta keep fighting, this can't be the end.” Fili pushed her bloody matted hair from her face. “I wish I could keep going Fee, for you and for Kili, for Thorin, but this is the end. I'm sorry we didn't get to enjoy Erebor together. I'm sorry I won't get the chance to rule by your side one day. To give you and Kili children.” Nell coughed and could feel herself growing weaker. Tears poured from Fili's eyes and dropped upon her cheeks. He couldn't believe this was the end. She had saved him, but now he was going to have to live his life without her. How were him and Kili suppose to carry on?

“I refuse for this to be the end. We need you, we can't do this on our own. You'll be alright. I'll carry you home and Oin will patch you up. Just don't give up,” Fili choked out. At this point he wasn't sure she was going to make it, but his mind, his heart couldn't handle the thought of her not being there anymore. He had to have her beside him. He didn't think he could bare not waking up beside her, watching her make them breakfast, sword training with her, pulling pranks on Dwalin with her and Kili, going to bed beside her. Fili needed her, Kili needed her. “You're going to have to do this on your own. You're going to have to be strong for Kili. But mostly be strong for yourself. Please don't let this break you.” Nell reached up cupping his cheek leaving a bloody print.

With a shuddering breath she closed her eyes and laid still. Fili held her close crying in anguish. Nell had been his heart and soul for so long and now he felt completely shattered. He didn't know what to do without her. She had always been there for them, no matter what. Even when she thought Kili loved another she had stayed by him. The thought of not being there was one he couldn't fathom. Who was supposed to keep him sane when he had to deal with lessons from Thorin? Who was supposed to protect Kili from cruel words and make him feel better? Who was supposed to love them and give them little ones?

Fili was so busy crying over Nell that he didn't even hear the others approach. He was lucky it wasn't an orc or he would be dead. Thorin and Dwalin had watched as Nell saved the eldest prince and as soon as it happened they both raced forth trying to get to them in time, but it looked like they had failed. Nell was gone and there was nothing anyone could do. Thorin rested his hand on Fili's shoulder making the fair haired prince look up. “I'm so sorry Fili. If I could bring her back I would. I loved her like a daughter. She will be sorely missed.” He let out a heavy sigh. “But we must end this. Bolg is bringing another army.” He hated to leave Nell just laying there, but if they didn't win this fight she wouldn't get the burial she deserved. It was hard for Fili to let go of his wife, but after a few minutes of fighting the urge to stay and just let Bolg end his life as well he stood up to join his uncle.

“Where's Kili?” He asked when he didn't see his brother with them.

“He rushed off after hearing you yell. We must find him,” Thorin replied.

Kili had fought his way through the tower killing every orc in sight. Blinding rage and heartache fueled his movements. He wasn't stupid and though he hadn't seen what had happened, the pained cry of his brother was enough to tell him Nell was gone. He wanted to kill every piece of filth that dare lay a hand on her. She was so precious, so kind, so loving and now she was gone. They would all pay for taking someone as good as her from the world.

“Kili!” a voice called out. One he recognized. It was Tauriel. He called back to her until he found her, but unfortunately Bolg had gotten there first. Kili jumped in the fray and tried to save her, but Bolg was bigger and stronger and easily took him down. Tauriel jumped on his back, but Bolg threw her off and smirked at her. Holding onto Kili's chest he bent him down over his knee and held the pointed end of his mace over the dwarf’s heart. Kili didn't even fight, he was ready to go. He wanted to be with Nell. He couldn't handle living a life without his best friend, his partner in crime, his heart, his soul, his wife. He smiled at Tauriel, but a tear slipped from his eye knowing his big brother would be alone.

Closing his eyes Kili welcomed death, but it never came. Opening his eyes he looked up and saw two blades shoved through Bolg’s chest. Thorin and Fili had made it just in time to save him. He looked at his big brother with sorrow filled eyes and hugged him as they cried together. They held each other as their pain, their anguish, their sorrow poured down their faces. Neither price knew what to do. At a time were they really could use Nell and her comfort she was gone. She would no longer be able to wipe the tears from their faces, no longer tell them everything would be alright, she would no longer laugh with them. Nell was gone and they were left all alone to bare the burden not knowing how or even if they could.

“Don't give up hope yet lads. She still breaths if only just.” Dwalin had walked up behind Fili and Kili carrying the broken body of their wife.

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