Life After Death

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Fili, Kili, and Thorin were exhausted. There was so much to be done to restore Erebor to its former glory. Funeral pyres had to be made for those killed during the battle of the five armies; food, clothing, and other supplies had to be found. But most of all, they had to take care of Nell. The three of them took turns watching over her as she slept. Her wound had been severe and the healers weren't sure she would live. But her husbands as well as the rest of the company refused to give up hope.

At one point Fili, Kili, Thorin, and even Dwalin had thought her dead after the fatal blow Azog had given her, but Mahal had been on their side and she still lived. Dwalin carried her back to the mountain after the fighting was over and the healers tended her wound. It was mostly closed up, but she was still pale, her heartbeat was weak, and she was showing no signs of improvement. But that didn't stop the others from coming to her room, talking to her, telling her stories, or bringing flowers. Ori knitted her a blanket and Bilbo told her about Fili becoming exasperated having to deal with the other lords and ladies. Fili and Kili would clean her and make sure to move her so she didn't get bed sores.

It was a month later when most of the rooms had been repaired and letters had been sent to Ered Luin inviting the rest of their kin to the mountain that Nell finally showed signs of life. Fili was resting his head on the bed beside her and holding her hand when he felt it twitch in his. Raising his head up he looked at her with hope filled eyes. “Nell? Gimlelul? Can you hear me?” He asked. Her hand twitched again and her eyes started to slowly open, but she was still too weak to open them all the way.

“I...can...hear you,” she whispered. Her throat was dry and her voice cracked due to lack of use, but she was finally awake. Fili started crying tears of joy and pulled her into a hug. A grunt left Nell as her wound was still tender and her body ached from lack of movement.

It took a week of the others helping her walk around her room before she was finally able to walk on her own, but now she was able to move about even if it was slowly. And tonight she was getting ready for the coronation. Now that Dis and the rest of their kin had made it to Erebor it was time to officially crown Thorin king and crown Fili as his heir along with Nell.

The coronation went smoothly and now Nell was sitting in between her husbands enjoying copious amounts of ale just like they were. Everyone was drunk or at least close to it, songs were being sung, people were dancing, and laughs were being had by everyone. After some time Fili and Kili drug Nell back to their room were they made gentle love to her for the first time in a long time.

Nell had been up and about for over a month now and most of the mountain was restored. A small smile graced her lips as she watched Dwalin train the recruits. She had managed to get a few moments to herself where Thorin wasn't complaining about some trade agreement or some treaty with Mirkwood or something else, so she came to the training grounds in hopes of him not thinking to look for her there. Just because her and Fili were supposed to rule one day didn't mean that Thorin had to overload them with responsibility right now. He had advisors for a reason and Nell wished he would seek them out instead of her and Fili.

“Keep yer shield up or I'm gonna ring yer bell,” Dwalin shouted at one of the young dwarves.

Nell threw her head back in laughter. “I remember when you used to tell me the same thing. Didn't take long for me to learn that lesson,” she said. Dwalin looked over at her with a grin. Something not many people got to see.

“Aye it didn't. And maybe if you had a shield when you went against Azog we wouldn't have been worrying about your death. Tell them how important a shield is.” He nodded his head toward the recruits.

Nell walked over to them and pulled down her tunic just enough to show her scar. “You see that?” The recruits nodded. “I didn't have a shield when I rushed in front of Azog to save my husband and because of that I almost died. So learn to use that shield properly and keep it on you,” she told them. The recruits nodded once more and began working harder.

Dwalin walked over to Nell and rested a hand on his shoulder. “Ya didn't almost die, Nell. You did die. When we got ta ya and Fili yer heart wasn't beating. They took off and I stayed with ya praying to Mahal and pushing on her chest, giving you my own breath until ya came back,” he said. Nell’s brows furrowed and she cocked her head. She hadn't been told that before. Fili and Kili had only told her, she had almost died.

“Why didn't Fili or Kili tell me?”

“They didn't know lass. They were so worried about ya I didn't think I should worry them more, but here ya are alive and healthy,” he said patting her on the shoulder. Nell felt her stomach lurch and turned to the side vomiting.  “Almost healthy,” Dwalin corrected himself.

Nell wiped her mouth clean and smiled at him. “I'm healthy. That's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly normal.” She rested her hand on her belly her smile widening.

Dwalin's eyes went wide. “Yer pregnant?” He asked.

“Yes, but don't say anything. I'm going to tell Fili and Kili tonight,” she told him.

That night Nell made both her husbands’ favorite meals and sat gifts on the table to give them. “I have something to tell you, but first open your gifts.” She pointed at the packages. Fili picked his up first and opened it to find a small wooden sword a child would use to train with. He looked at her in confusion as Kili opened his and pulled out two tunics, one small for a babe and one for him. They both read ‘Durin Archers.’

“Amrálimé are you trying to tell us you're pregnant?” Kili asked as he looked at the items. Nell’s smile was from ear to ear as she nodded her head. Kili sat the tunics down and rushed to hug her. “I can't believe it, you're having a baby,” he said.

Fili was quick to join in on the hug. “This is wonderful news,” he said before kissing her tenderly.

Months later, Nell gave birth to a dark haired little girl. Kili now had a daughter named Gisela. But that wasn't the only child Nell would have. In time she fell pregnant again and gave birth to a perfect blonde haired little boy. Fili now had a son named Frerin after his uncle. And both children were loved dearly. Gisela took up archery much like her father, though she could use a sword and Frerin carried around multiple weapons much like his own father.

It would seem there was hope for life after death after all.

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