Yin Yang | Randy

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'Ryan Beaumont is everyone's happiness, he carries the sun with him everywhere he goes. He always thinks about the positive side of things and never fails to cheer up a fellow werewolf. He's proven his sign as a typical Yang by show casing dominance towards anyone who threatens him or others, although wolves all around may think he's a push over; a fight with Rye will soon change their minds. This Alpha is most certainly not.

Andy Fowler, an omega who grew up with nothing apart from beatings and abuse, he's never endured affection of any sort by anyone. It's clear by how submissive the boy has become, some say it's his natural omega instincts kicking in when in reality, it's his way of asking not to be harmed. Unlike, Rye, he always looks at the negative side of things - for example, someone gave him free food, he'll think they've poisoned it. He believes it's him against a world of nasty and cruel people.

This defensive wall Andy's built up is constantly being knocked at by Rye when the two finally meet. Andy has no choice but to go through Ryan Beaumont's territory in order to hunt, the food supply has been rather scarce lately. '


This is my first Randy fanfiction as the majority of my readers are limelights and we all know what happened between the two fandoms...

Limelights you don't have to read if you don't want to but you never know, you may start being a Roadie.

Anyways, this fanfiction delves deeply into the A/B/O (Alpha, Beta and Omega) world and I haven't written one before so please be gentle on me.

Each chapter I write will range from about 1000 - 2000 words depending on the mood I'm in.

Andy's development can be rather slow throughput this book but that's because it's the main goal; for Rye to knock down all the barriers he's built up to protect himself and show Andy how an omega should be treated.

I think this book will change POV during some points but most will be in Andy's, remember to read who's POV it's in to save any confusion.

Anywho, I think I've covered most topics I wanted to... Chapter One will be posted soon I think.

I hope you enjoy.



- Not edited

- Contains violence and sexual scenes


Yin Yang | RandyWhere stories live. Discover now