Chapter Twelve

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Andy Fowler's POV

The sun was a mixture of many different shades of vibrant colours - oranges, reds, yellows. It was a beautiful sight watching the sun disappear ever so slowly and welcome the grey dull moon.

Sharing the experience with Alpha Rye only made it better, the sky which was once a beautiful blue covered in clouds was now a cloudless light grey.

The moon was higher in the sky then the sun was, I assumed we'd be heading home soon after a such a wonderful day of running around and just having a great time in general.

Alpha Rye was so nice, it was hard to believe he was soon to become a King. A very good one at that; everything about him was just so surreal. This pack was extremely lucky to have a shining star as their soon-to-be-leader instead of a burnt out coldblooded killer.

I'm almost positive that everyone inside these packlands adore Rye to death and would accept him as their leader in a single heartbeat without much of a second thought. I know if I settled down in pack (which is highly unlikely) I would cherish an Alpha like Rye.

"Andy, let's go, baby." Alpha Rye mumbles tiredly, yawning behind one hand while offering the other to me as a way up.

My heart beats rapidly inside my chest at the word 'baby' but I try to fight off reacting to it. He barely acknowledged it so I attempt to do the same.

As our hands touch, sparks soar between us and that comforting feeling circulates through my blood; my belly had butterflies fluttering around causing me to blush lightly.

He helps me up before locking our hands together, he sends me a small smile which makes his eyes crinkle and look utterly adorable.

"Let's go back to the castle, you can stay in one of the guestrooms if you want... Or, even, my own since you know me better and all," Those beautiful brown eyes of his were avoiding eye contact while he walked through the forest we'd previously ran through.

Rye was actually nervous about inviting me to stay with him, a real breathing Alpha was anxious about me, an Omega, half his ridiculous size. He was definitely a unique Alpha, he was sweet and charming, totally different from the usuals. Although, for once, this was a good change in the usual.

"Uh, I-I.. I will, uhm, stay with you... I don't, really, know the place very well..." I was staring at the ground, we were both very nervous about this whole thing even though we both knew nothing was going to happen.

"Awesome, masking your scent for awhile will help especially considering my father doesn't even know you are here,"


Approaching the castle after walking for about an hour, I had ended up being carried by Rye halfway there. I was tired and kept stumbling behind so the oversized Alpha decided to carry me the rest of the way, reassuring me he was fine and only left me with the job of carrying the practically empty backpack.

I had my head nuzzled in his neck, his arms looped around my body supporting my weight which I felt somewhat insecure about however Rye didn't seem to struggle with carrying me at all. Considering how masculine he is, it would be a huge jab to my very small ego if he struggled to contain my weight.

My fingers were playing with the nip of his neck hair subconsciously and was watching where we were going, his strong arms were so gently holding me; it was almost as if he was worried he'd break me in half.

Night had fallen a long time ago and when the moon completely rose into the sky, Rye had rushed to get back to the castle. I was slightly confused to why he was hurrying inside his own territory but didn't bother questioning it.

"Finally home, eh? Took you long enough, the patrol team left ages ago by the way." Mikey tells Rye, walking next to us. I just felt him shrug a lazy response before continuing his way up the fancy stairs.

"Where's Andy staying?" Mikey asks, following behind us after Rye hopelessly tried losing the other Alpha by quickening his pace.

Somewhere, along the way, Jack had ended up strolling next to us; he looked awfully confused but trailed behind us anyway. I had a haunting feeling, he was just copying Mikey and was pretending to understand the conversation topic.

"My room," Rye was replying to everything with blunt answers, I could easily sense how much irritation was building up inside him.

"Your room? Are you crazy?!" The blue eyed Alpha gasps, I didn't exactly see the problem but I wasn't around their terms and conditions enough to know that. My morals could be different to their morals as a thriving pack of many.

As we neared the familiar room that belongs to Rye Beaumont, he carefully unlocks the door without dropping me. That was talent on it's own, to be fair.

I was gently seated on the large bed before he starts rummaging through draws. Mikey was sitting on a beanbag in the corner watching us intensely as Jack awkwardly stood in the doorway with the same expression of pure confusion layered on his face.

"You seriously think it's a good idea to let him stay in here? The guestroom is literally only down the hall, you'll easily hear his screams if he needs help..."

Rye returned back to me with some clothes, he gestured for me to go into the bathroom after growling briefly at Mikey as a signal to lay off.

The clothes were much too big for me but the smell was overwhelming, everything smelt like Rye and it was truly intoxicating. My nose twitched happily, it for one, was probably in heaven.

Opening the door to the bedroom, my eyes feast upon a shirtless brown haired boy, I could see the muscles in his back as he began turning around to face me boasting his beautiful body proudly.

My cheeks immediately flared red at the sight and I smiled sheepishly in his direction as he walked over to the bed and climbed in.

"You don't mind we share, right?" I shake my head reassuringly, my eyes glance across the room and both other Alphas had left already; their scents extremely faint underneath Rye's.

Rye carefully pulls the silk sheets back on his bed after getting comfortable himself and offering the space next to him to me.

Sluggishly, I get into the spot next to him and instantly I'm embraced in everything involving Rye; his smell was everywhere.

The blanket is cautiously placed over me by the big softie as he smiles at me. I return the smile timidly and relax into the comfortable sheets, my head laying on the pillow facing him.

The bed was big enough for me and Rye to be on completely different sides but somehow, we met in the middle and Rye kept a comforting arm around my waist. My head was cuddled into his hard, and very naked, chest.

I was falling into unknown territories the more time I spend with Rye, my heart felt almost fixed when I breathed his scent. I don't think I'll ever be able to explain the feeling that rushes through my system at the sight of him shirtless.

Rye was making me feel things I never knew I could and strangely enough, I was alright with that and ready to experiment as much as I can with these new emotions.


I'm not even going to try and lie, this story is a mess... I think I've finally gotten it to a spot where it can start making sense and I promise I'll try and improve it as it continues... 

I'm a very forgetful person and if I don't regularly do something, there's a likely chance I'll just forget about it. It's the same with this book, I forgot that I made shifting a normal thing and got it mixed up with a draft I'm working on... Don't worry, I've figured mostly everything out now hopefully better things to come.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! I apologize for how bad this book is but I'm going to try my hardest to improve it, I have a plot twist ready and everything is planned out (sort of).

Word count: 1454

P.S. There may be smut in the next chapter, I have two different directions I want this story to go and there's a possibility I decide on choosing the early smut side though it will definitely be REALLY badly written.


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