Chapter Four

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Andy's POV

My wolf eyes dart over Alpha Rye's human form, he was truly beautiful.

He had the prettiest coloured brown eyes, I could stare into them forever and never get bored. Silky brown locks which curl slightly and dangle down his perfectly shaped forehead. His face structure must've took hours to craft as his sharp jawline could cut through through a tree especially with his raised high cheekbones - always a good feature to have.

Even his skin complexion was pure perfection, unlike my pale skin, his was a dark tanned olive colour. It looked extremely soft and it contrasted with his white shirt very well.

I suddenly felt self-conscious as I took in his body appearance. It was slim and masculine, I couldn't see a single body part which contained any sorts of unnecessary fat. It was all pure muscle, although you could tell he was skinny... It wasn't a close to starvation kind (like mine), it was an excellent body build.

Alpha Rye's size was rather intimidating as he easily heightened with my wolf and would no doubt, tower over my human figure.

"I brought you some clothes, Andy, you can shift in the bathroom." Rye's angelic voice tells me, carefully placing the items of clothing inside my jaws. We both know now, I was the stronger one between us in my wolf form.

Nodding, I quickly thank him and enter the bathroom. With a push of my head, it closes shut behind me.

As bones break and snap painlessly, the ache/sting isn't anything anymore, I watch my body change through the mirror.

First shifts are always hard, having bones snap and be replace automatically is very difficult and painful task. Usually, a werewolf will first shift around 13, it'll have it's family's support to make sure everything goes right.

I didn't though, not only did my body burn all over, I had to make sure I didn't lose control. Definitely one of the first days of my life.

When my human figure is stood in front of the full-body mirror completely naked, I take a moment to look at myself.

I'm rarely ever in my human form because it's so small and fragile. It barely makes a threatening pose, literally all it'll do is make people laugh.

My body was unhealthily skinny from the lack of food and natural body calories. My blonde hair was messily stood up everywhere, dirt encrusted into it, desperate for a wash. I've been told I have a 'feminine' body multiple times before and it's disgraceful to have on a male.

The only feature I'm somewhat proud to have is my diamond blue eyes. They're really pretty in my personal opinion, the only thing I dislike is the that they have no happy memories to share.


Eventually, I've finally gotten dressed. I made a decision to wet my hair and get the dirt out using the sink, I hope Alpha Rye doesn't mind.

I was now dressed in some baggy jogger bottoms, black boxers and a long black t-shirt. Whoever these clothes belong to, it was clear they liked dark colours.

Letting out a small, nervous sigh, I open the door and I'm greeted with Alpha Rye laying on his bed. His eyes partially closed but reopen when he hears the door.

For a moment, I allow the Alpha to shamelessly look me up and down just like I did him before shyly looking away.

"Andy, are you well?" Alpha Rye asks, in other words asking if I was in need of a drink or something. I just shake my head and glance around the awkwardly.

Uncertainty was flowing off me in waves, I wasn't sure how I should feel around Rye and if I should be so wary or not. I hated not knowing how to move forward because out in the wild, that could easily cost you your life for such a small, simple mistake.

As the brown haired boy goes to speak, the bedroom door opens and a small blonde boy appears through. "Rye, mate, Jack and Mikey wan-" He cuts himself off when he sees me.

Instantly, he starts sniffing in my direction. All he could smell was how my scent didn't match the pack's. "Who are you?" He asks in a vicious tone.

Even though, he could be nothing more then another Omega, I cower back and try make myself look as small as possible. Arguing with this blonde werewolf could make Alpha Rye angry, he wouldn't think twice before siding with him.

"Brooklyn! Be nice, this is Andy, my guest," Rye says, standing up and walking by my side. He places a hand on my back gently and sends this Brooklyn a harsh glare.

I immediately grip Rye's shirt and step behind him, I didn't trust the Omega. Omegas were meant to be kindhearted and nice towards each other, this one broke that unofficial rule.

I understand I'm an outsider but Brooklyn should learn some common sense. If I was going to hurt his Alpha, then Rye would've killed me already before I could even lay a claw on his precious skin.

Brooklyn watches us for a moment then he drops his hard look and smiles reluctantly. "Hi, Andy," He greets but doesn't appear too impressed with my presence.

I had a strange feeling bubbling in my belly telling me to make my mark on Rye known. The mark was nonexistent and left me confused, I had no claim on Rye. By his scent, no one did. He was very much a free man with no Omega holding him back.

"Anyways, Alpha, Mikey and Jack wanted to invite you to a football match." He insists casually, he was unusually chill around Alphas. I assumed he knew the three higher ranks before their second gender was specified and was fairly comfortable around them considering they were all childhood friends.

Not only did I feel like a rodent, I felt like an outcast. Someone who doesn't belong here, I wasn't one of them. If Rye didn't feel sorry for me, I would probably be dead in the paws of his companions.

"Yeah, me and Andy will be out in a minute. Tell the boys to wait for me," Alpha agrees quickly and waves Brooklyn away dismissively.

Brooklyn matters a quick 'Alright, bye' and slams the door rather harshly. For some reason, I had feeling Brooklyn wasn't to keen on me. Especially when his Alpha is around me.

I didn't judge him though, if I had a leader, I would've been protective over them as well.

"C'mon, Andy, I'll lend you some shoes." Rye always spoke so softly to me, it made butterflies erupt inside my belly. Not that I'd tell anyone.


Me and Rye soon reach the large football field. Four boys were sitting on the grass chatting, I only recognized Brooklyn.

All their scents were familiar to me in a way though. Two were with Rye when I trespassed - Mikey & Jack - then there was Brooklyn's Omega scent and finally the last one smelled like Rye.

Jealousy grew strong inside me as I thought of Rye bonding someone else. Quickly shaking my head, I presumed it was his brother as they both shared similar features.


This chapter was really bad and boring, I couldn't focus at all. I want to apologize for making such a disgraceful piece of writing.

Anyways, I hope you somewhat enjoyed.

Word count: 1244

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