Chapter Seven

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Andy's POV

I was stunned, I had little idea how or what just happened. I couldn't acknowledge the thought of an Alpha cuddled against me, especially after death was certain to be fated.

My body was heating up after being frozen against the inside of a broken, wooden tree. The bark was extremely low temperatures and my fur had been pressed against it for a while now.

Naturally, it seeks warmth and Alpha Rye provided that so my body refused to run away. No matter how hard I attempted to move, my wolf wouldn't budge and eventually I just gave in.

I didn't relax though, I remained tense and uneasy. I was prepared to run however the only exit was closer to the Alpha then me.

My heart pounded fiercely, trying with great difficulty, to escape my small figure's body. The vital organ even wanted to be out of this situation, not that I blamed it in any way.

Time ticked by and we never switched positions but I grew still and calm. My whole body was cuddled up beside him, his larger form filling my own with protection and warmth. I felt a strange feeling of pure comfort pressed against Alpha Rye.

Light faded into darkness as England's weather started to pour down. Darkness wasn't an issue for werewolves, they had heightened senses and their sight was a lot stronger then mortals.

Most has inherited night vision as well from ancient relatives, I don't, but I was gifted the power of silence. I tend to be like a silent ninja, disappearing into the shadows with my black pelt.

Footsteps are quiet, almost impossible to hear, it's proven a great trait to have.

All I could hear was the faint sounds of rain hitting the bark above us, luckily it was absorbed and didn't fall straight through and onto us. As well as Alpha Rye's breathing, steady and constant.

I didn't want to ever move from this position and pretend Alpha Rye was mine. That I wasn't a lonely, helpless runt but a beautiful mate to a charming, friendly Alpha.

I wasn't aware what time it was but I didn't care, usually, I'd be panicking at times like this but not right now.

My eyes kept drooping shut but I forced them open, afraid Alpha Rye will leave me sleeping in an unknown territory I've never been before.

"Sleep, Omega." Alpha Rye whispers, talking for the first time in awhile. His voice was becoming a joy to hear and made me feel secure, the emotion wasn't a familiar one and made me tingly all over.

"D...Don't go," I reply, my voice quiet and timid. I shouldn't be getting attached to an Alpha who wasn't my mate but the need to feel safe was an overwhelming urge.

"I won't, promise," He responds, I believed him and gently snuggled my head under his. The action seems to surprise him but he doesn't push me away.

Alpha Rye was like a soft pillow, you didn't want anyone else to use but yourself. He was so special that you felt jealous at just the thought of someone claiming him.

All thoughts washed away as tiredness won the battle going on inside my head. My eyes closed completely and I could finally sleep, knowing I wouldn't wake up with killers surrounding me.


Rye's POV

The little Omega was shaking and tense when we first came in contact, I felt his slow change in posture as his wolf cried out for attention. I could sense his loneliness and I felt my heart ache him.

No Omega, or wolf in general, deserves to feel alone in the world. I couldn't imagine a world without my family and friends, I wouldn't have a purpose to live. All that was necessary now in my life was a beautiful mate.

Although, I think I've found him. Andy, the wondering trespasser, has managed to press my triggers. Shy, submissive, innocent, gorgeous, independent (to a certain point) were all amazing Omega traits. For me at least.

Andy fitted well into all of them, from what I've seen so far, Brooklyn wasn't my type at all. He's a childhood friend, I've helped with his heat in the past but I couldn't bond him.

My knot refused to pop properly and it ended up being awkward, nothing has ever really happened between us in a romantic chemistry way.

My fangs had no wish to come forward and bite him. Usually, they'd be fighting their way out but during the experience, they remind still and uninterested.

Yet, my wolf reacted differently with Andy, all it wanted was to make everyone know the Omega was off limits. Make him feel wanted and cared for.

The Omega was so small, I worried I'd crush him while he slept peacefully. His head was tucked under mine and his whole body was pressed again me, begging for security and warmth. I would provide him with both and so much more.


The morning sun beamed directly into my eyes as they opened and stung from the sudden light. It was rising into the sky and my eyes barely had anytime to adjust to the lighting.

Whether it was because of the sun or cold, Andy had removed himself from under my head and turned the other way around. He had somehow found his way under me as he head laid innocently near my crotch area.

It tingled at the thought of Andy giving it attention but I immediately shut that down. There's no chance I'll make him do such sinning things with me, I'm not his mate so I wasn't my place.

Lifting my body up, I carefully sit up and block the sun out of Andy's way. I placed myself in front of the entrance way and prevented the sunlight from shining in.

It was a failed attempt to let the blonde boy sleep longer but he was awoken by my movement. His blue eyes shone as he looked up at me.

"Morning," I greet, wolves can communicate with each other but to humans it sounds like a bunch of closed mouth growls and snarls.

"Hi," He answers, standing up and stretching. I watch fondly as he reaches his two front paws outwards and a few bonds crack after being stiff for so long.

We were easily lead there longer then twelve hours, I had already mind linked the pack telling them I won't be returning to pack house last night.

Jack and Mikey were suspicious of the act and had told me to use protection. I still remember my sudden outbreak at them for suggesting such things.

Their pointless apologies barely interested me, I was still partially mad at them.

"Are you coming back with me?" I ask hopefully, sending him a pleading look. I couldn't just leave him, he needed to be shown how a pack actually takes care of one another.

"I.. I.. I don't.. Know..." He stutters, I've noticed he does that a lot and it was rather cute.

"Brooklyn won't touch you again," I encourage lamely but truthfully, Brooklyn wasn't allowed to touch Andy in such a cruel way ever again.

"I- Uh, okay," He gave in easier then I expected but I wasn't complaining.

With that, I stand and let the sun beam through. I squeeze my way through the hole and watch as Andy easily walks out, his size compared to mine always surprised me.


Chapter seven is crap, I'm sorry... I haven't really been inspired very much to write lately and I've been been slacking on my other books as well.

I decided to update this one since it's almost reached 1k reads which I'm extremely grateful for.

Anyways, I hope you found the little Randy cuddle cute. See you in the next update!

Word count: 1307

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