Chapter Fourteen

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Jack Duff's POV

The previous week has been pure chaos to say the very least, Alphas - moreso unmated - with very little self-control has been aggressive and hormonal towards practically everything.

The newest Omega's scent has completely ruined the usual cycle. Our pack rarely ever invites new members to join so when there's fresh blood roaming around, urges of domination take place.

For me personally, I have very little interest in helping Omegas during heats and it's quite worrying sometimes. Most, if not all, Alphas would always take the chance to mate while I've always rejected the thoughts and opportunities multiple times.

Andy's scent was so strong and intriguing yet it didn't cause me to go savage; possibly because I have too much respect for myself but deep down, I knew that wasn't the case. It was something private and disgusting, something that no one should ever find out about.

A low growl disturbs my thoughts as my neck snaps towards the now familiar voice; it's one of the few things everyone's been hearing over the last week along with cries and whimpers.

Rye used to be very patient with his pack but nowadays, anyone who stood too close to Andy would be growled at, a single glance too long could set him off. The amount of scrabbles between him and others has increased massively.

When it came to an Alpha claiming their Omega for the first few weeks, protectiveness was guaranteed but from what I knew, these two never completed the mating rituals while Andy was going through his heat.

This sudden behaviour was not in Rye's character at all and quite frankly, it was beginning to become irritating. Even Rye's father had been angered at his son's possessiveness, the two argued frequently.

Ever since Andy's incident, he's been locked away inside Rye's room for the most part. I felt so bad for him, whenever I'd see him outside, he was always under Rye's watchful gaze and his head was always staring at the floor - defeated.

Although today, Rye surprisingly has actually allowed Andy to leave freely. His smell had vanished back the usual Omega scent and was no longer overwhelming, only then did Rye's actions become known. Andy was still being hit with random heat rashes and Rye wanted to make sure the little blonde was safe constantly.

Me, Brooklyn and Mikey would still meet up without the other two and, unfortunately, the conversation would always somehow drop to how Rye didn't deserve Andy or vice versa.

Mikey had grew this new longing for the boy with the innocent blue eyes, in every sense this was wrong. As a best friend, attempting to steal a mate is inexcusable but considering Rye makes a large amount of choices within the pack, he could be punished or even exiled.

Brooklyn still crushed over Rye but that wasn't anything out of the ordinary, the blonde was quite open with the werewolves he'd shag regularly.

Savannah's father had heard about Rye's sudden change in behaviour and had ordered her home days ago. Thankfully, I don't think I could've handled the constant bickering, or gossiping per say, any longer.

Andy's silky black fur almost had a beautiful blue tint embedded within especially when the sun would directly beam at him. He's definitely the center of attention in this current moment in time, after his incident with the whole heat thing, Alphas has taken new mild interest in him.

None would dare making their fresh interest known knowing full well that he belonged to their King as wrong as it sounds. Although, Andy smelt strongly of Rye and both their desires, mating was only a step away at this point.

Watching as Rye's overgrown wolf form presses against Andy's smaller form confidently, there's little response coming from the Omega who just accepts the brief show of affection. It's quite worrying how little Andy actually reacts to the nuzzles.

My four friends, including Andy - he's pretty enjoyable, had all decided to hang out in a nearby field to run around and blow off some steam after such intense activities.

Brooklyn was attempting to chase Mikey, the Alpha seemed rather bored of his hopeless tries while the other two were just having a little cuddle.

Mikey mindlessly offered to let Rye join in which ended in an overdramatic rejection and mild insults. Those were always arguing ever since Mikey found his Omega intriguing.

I had quietly chosen to bask in the sun and observe everything instead of bolting around in the boiling heat. Closing my eyes for a moment, they reopen in shook as Andy's familiar scent blossoms over me.

Gorgeous blue eyes were innocently staring at me, I rose from position and sat up next to him. Rye wasn't being possessive anymore, unless it was Mikey, and had allowed him to talk to me.

Mikey and Rye had erupted into a friendly fight while Brook tried to join in and dodge being flatten under their large forms at the same time.

"Hi," Andy was the first one to speak, I think he had grown to trust me the most in this group of weirdos besides Rye obviously.

"Hey. How's things?" Swiftly glancing at him from the corner of my eye, I notice how his tail had stopped wagging behind him.

"Difficult, Rye can be a little too much sometimes but he means well..." The black wolf was scanning over the scenery with a masked expression fighting off showing emotions.

"I can understand that but I promise, in a few days, a week at most, he'll return to his usual self. He's clearly never had a mate before and it's new to him."

Andy looked at me with a startled expression. "M-mate? Me?" His stuttering was getting much better as well, his shyness was slowly dying down around us too.

"You are, aren't you? He helped you with your heat something very mate like..." It was surprising to know that Andy wasn't even sure in the relationship the two had quickly grown.

"Everything is going so fast, I... Can't keep it with it anymore... Everything in my life has changed drastically and I can't just take a moment to breathe without him following me like a lost puppy and snarling at literally everything. Even a branch once, no kidding." His voice sounded incredibly emotionless yet I knew he was confused or even sad.

"Andy, if you don't want him, don't drag it on. It could get... Rough if you let things continue without setting boundaries. He'll start believing you're already his."

When he doesn't respond, I glance towards him to be met with a look of thoughtful playing on his face.


I wasn't going to originally update but somehow I managed to have some free time to do so. I hope you enjoyed, sorry if it seemed rushed at times (I didn't have too much time to write)!

Next chapter is going to be intense because it's where Andy makes up mind whether or not he's ready to take the next step with Rye or not.

Anyways, how's everyone feeling about the Fluff friendship in this? I quite like it!

Word count: 1200


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