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I picked up a few things that I needed and then joined Daniel and Rose in the car. I climbed into the front seat and put my bag next to Rose's car seat.

"Where are we going?" Rose asked curiously.

"Well, we are going to Jack and Gabbie's house, and we are going to see Jonah, Tate, Corbyn, Christina, Zach and Kay." I smiled, "all of your 'uncles' and 'aunties'."

She squealed in delight causing a laugh from Daniel.


When we got to the house, we saw everyone's cars parked around the driveway. I felt a hand on my knee; I looked over to Daniel.

"What's up?" I asked.

He cleared his throat. "I haven't told them yet.." he trailed off.

"You haven't told them I'm pregnant again? I told you too!" I whisper shouted.

"Ella, don't be mad. I just wanted you to be there." He took hold of my hand and I sighed.

"Okay. Okay.." I said

He smiled.

We got out of the car and Daniel took Rose in holding her hands up as she toddled, I followed behind them.

"Jack Jack!!" Rose giggled as she crawled over to Jack as he picked her up swinging her around.

"If it isn't my favourite human on this whole earth," He smiled.

"Hey!" Gabbie said playfully punching his arm.

"Okay.. second." He added.

We were soon met with the others and all the hugs were given.

"Ella!" Christina ran in and hugged me nearly knocking me over.

It wasn't often that we all met at once, but when we did, it was always made a big deal and it felt almost like Christmas, just without the presents.

Once everyone had greeted us, Daniel and I followed everyone to the living room. Corbyn placed Rose on his lap whilst Christina played with her beside him. Whenever we were together, Rose was always centre of attention.

Jonah and Tate sat together cuddling and Zach and Kay sat on the love sac in the corner of the room. I looked around for somewhere to sit but was quickly interrupted by Daniel picking me up and placing me in between his legs leaning up against the couch that Christina and Corbyn were sitting on with Rose. Daniel was always overly affectionate when everyone was together, I never really understood why, but I didn't mind and so I snuggled into his chest.

Being pregnant, came with a tiredness that never seemed to go away and at this point I was extremely close to falling asleep.

Daniel caressed my cheek trying his best to keep me awake and so I obeyed and joined in with conversation.

"We haven't seen everyone in almost 5 months, what have you guys been up to?" I asked.

"Missing this little angel.." Corbyn smiled kissing Rose's nose.

Christina rolled her eyes playfully, "Not much, we've been having a break from social media so that's been nice, taught Bean how to cook.." she smiled.

Jonah smiled, "We've been exploring, ticking things off of the bucket list and we visited our parents too,"

"Ugh, your life is so exciting.." Jack groaned.

"Jack, we literally went to Australia and We surfed for god knows how long" she giggled.

"That was fun for you.." He added playfully. "Okay okay I'm joking, that was very fun."

"Looks like we are the ones with the boring lives.." Daniel said looking down at me.

"You guys have done nothing?" Kay asked

"No not really.." I said nearly falling asleep again.

"Nothing? Nothing at all?" Corbyn asked us still paying full attention to Rose.

Daniel shook his head.

"Well. There's one thing..." He said under his breath.

"What did you say?" Zach asked throwing a pillow at him.

"Ouch, that hurt!" Daniel said quoting himself from a while ago causing a few chuckles.

"No but seriously.." Christina added.

I looked at Daniel and we exchanged glances...

to be continued..

ELLA {SEQUEL} // Why Don't We Where stories live. Discover now