Story #1 - Curiosity Kills the Cat

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A/N: This was a story written by me two years ago, it was one of the winners of our school writing competition, I thought it would be a good place to start. Don't worry, this isn't as well-written as others but I did improve since this. It's of the thriller genre, and it might annoy you a bit but you have to read it for yourself to find out why. Enjoy!

Click. That was the sound they heard once they pressed the "accept" button. The two siblings, Maia and Lin were invited to their uncle's house for a party. Their eyes drifted away from the computer screen as they gave each other assuring nods, saying that they were ready to go. Lin hopped out of his chair and got his shoes on, while Maia looked over the invitation once more. She slowly turned off the computer then followed Lin, getting her shoes on.

Rain lightly dropped on their toes as the two stepped out the door. Maia glanced ahead, already seeing the shadow of the mansion. Lin skipped ahead as they approached the chilling home. These siblings were silent the entire walk, although, the peaceful rain broke it. Lin stopped and hopped in front of Maia, "...Why do we have to go to this party anyway?"

"Our uncle invited us. We have to go, we don't want to seem rude, do we? Besides, our parents aren't home, it would be nice to have someone watch us." Maia replied bluntly.

Lin sighed and looked down, then went back to the side of Maia, "Are we going to have to stay in the basement again?

"Most likely..." Maia said as she got shivers, remembering how intimidating the basement was.

They arrived at their uncle's mansion, walking up the doorsteps and ringing the doorbell. Slowly, the creaky door opened, yet they didn't see the person who opened it. Each step they took made a new sound as they walked across the floor. They looked around, the party already started. It was very loud in there, as loud as a party. And that it was. These two weren't exactly people-persons, so they gravitated towards the corner of the room. In the precise corner they backed into, there was a ghostly presence. As they turned around, they instantly saw the door and knew what it led too. It was the basement.

They stared at it, then as quick as lightning the door swung open. Out of the door came their uncle, he merrily said, "Go ahead and set your stuff down, the basement is already prepared for you. If you would just go down while we party!"

"Yes sir.." They both replied, apathetically. The siblings accepted the fact that they would have to spend another week in that basement. Grabbing their stuff, they began walking down the stairs. It was dark, a bit too dark to see. There were no lights, so Maia brought out her phone and pointed it in front of them. When the light flowed over they saw the old, creaky, and terrifying floor. They plopped their items on the ground and looked around.

There was something different this time... a weird feeling, a bad one, was floating through the air. The basement looked a tad larger than before. Maia and Lin slowly stepped forward, quietly. They looked around, and Lin spotted something different. There was a door. He never saw a door like that in this basement before. He trudged closer to it, then stopped and looked at Maia. "Was this here before?"

Maia observed the door. "Definitely not."

"Can we see what's inside it?" Lin questioned.
"No! This isn't our house, we can't open things we don't know about!" Maia looked away from the door. She didn't want to open it, even if it was her home.

"Fine." Lin stared at the door, and walked closer to it, even though Maia said no. Maia turned around and grabbed Lin's hand, pulling him away from the door. He pulled out of Maia's hand and trudged back to the door, asking again, "Please?"

Maia already knew her answer, it would be the same each time, "No."

"Now I really want to open it." He looked at the door but stayed standing back.

"Now I really want you to NOT open it. Are you dumb? Why don't we just tell our uncle about it and then never make contact with this door again."

"I'm not dumb. I just want to see what's in the door."

Maia ignored him and started walking back upstairs. Another bang flew out from the door. Maia stopped walking up the stairs, and stared, her eyes focused on the door. Lin didn't move an inch and stared at the door with her. From the door, came another bang, and another, and another. Maia and Lin gradually backed up. Then, the door shook and yet another bang echoed through the basement. For a second, everything was quiet. Suddenly, a bizarre cry was heard, "Help. Me. Please."

With that, the two instantly ran back up. Yet the cry became louder. "HELP ME. PLEASE."

Up the stairs they went, as fast as possible. They neared the door. Maia attempted to take one step out the basement door, yet it shut. Maia flung back and hit Lin. They tumbled down the stairs.

"Help.", the distorted cry rang again.

It was all they heard. The word, "Help" repeatedly went through their ears. Lin and Maia traded glances of fear, then realized they had no options. Lin turned to the door, "Let's open it."

Maia said the same old answer, "No."

Both of their voices were trembling. Maia went up to hide in a corner, on the stairs. Lin was now anxious to see what beheld that door. He didn't care what Maia said.

Lin looked at her to make sure she wasn't watching. He observed the door once more, and the surroundings. Every second he drifted closer and closer to the door. Then he quickly grabbed the handle and tugged at the door. It rapidly flew open as Lin began to walk in. After all, curiosity kills the cat.

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