Story #3 - One Question can Change a Life

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A/N: Sorry for not posting a story for awhile, but here's this to make up for that! I hope you enjoy it!

Beep beep beep. The alarm clock bursted with annoying noise for the third time. Lying across the bed, I rolled out and landed on the hard, slippery floor. Another day of school, another day of daunting and dull work. I brushed my teeth, quickly brushed my brown messy hair, got my glasses, put my school uniform on, and did everything else required to look acceptable in society. I turned on my phone as the bright screen temporarily blinded my eyes. As my finger slid across the screen, I stared at the small number of notifications. Slamming my door open, I wearily stepped out of the comfort of my room and drooped down the stairs.

Walking into the kitchen, I smelt the dim scent of breakfast items and saw my mom next to the stove. I walked into the kitchen as my mother looked at me with a sour face, and turned back. I gave her a sarcastic look and walked out of the kitchen, quickly grabbing my backpack. With backpack in hand, I went to the garage and hopped onto my bike. I tried my best to allow my baggy eyes to stay open, but it was difficult when all I wanted to do was sleep. Maybe I should skip class again? That would trigger another series of criticism coming from my mom's big mouth, so that was out of the question. A few minutes later I slammed my bike against a corner as I stared at the large school. As soon as I looked at it I got a feeling of pure hate, and my motivation to do anything was lost once again. Pulling up my backpack, I hopped off the bike and slowly stepped into the school.

"Heya Laurens! Good morning!" A petite girl with pigtails approached me with a smile as I tried my best to smile back.

"Good morning, Lisa," I replied in a boring voice completely opposite of her cheerful voice.

"How are you?" Lisa stared at me with a happy face full of curiosity.

"I'm ok... how are you?" A lie, I'm never ok when there's school. I would much rather be at home watching TV, but Lisa was the only good thing about school.

"I'm good! I got 100% on the science test, and my teacher said I was one of her favorite students! We are also going on a family trip this weekend, so I'm super excited!" Lisa excitedly spoke as she hopped up and down.

"That's good." I sourly replied, trying to sound as cheerful as humanly possible for me, which was unfortunately impossible. I was jealous of Lisa's happy and exciting life, but saying something about it is forbidden.

"Laureeensss, stop being so boring! Come on, is there anything you want to tell me!?" Lisa looked at me with a disappointed face as I stared back at her, annoyed by her many questions. I went through all the replies I could say to Lisa to make her happy, but luckily the bell saved me.

"Well, I'll talk to you later, we should probably get to class." I quickly waved as I turned around and walked to class. She waved back with a smile full of disappointment.

I plopped into my seat and stared at the teacher as well as my other classmates in disgust. Three more years of high school, I thought as I sat in extreme boredom while the teacher was blabbering, that's all. As I was thinking to myself, I was rudely interrupted by my teacher.

"LAURENS! Listen to me, this is the third time I'm asking you! Do you have your homework?" No, I never have my homework. Instead of answering, I simply turned my head around making a sour face.

"Of course you don't. Laurens, you have to do your homework. Your test scores are the only reason you're passing this class! Work harder young man, you're being a horrible, lazy student!" The teacher continued yelling at me as I tried my best to ignore him. This was the worst form of public humiliation. Class continued on with me drowning in boredom. For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about the harsh criticisms the teacher gave me. As the bell rang, I slowly moved to my next class without thinking.

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