🔱Chapter 16-flashback part 3🔱

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I promise that this is the last flashback ...after that I will continue the rest of the story line...
~Continuation from previous~

We all nodded.We got curious so we went to the place where we heard the noises from...

What we saw shock our lives forever...

The whole place was covered in blood and there stood five boys with different weapons.The bodies was still alive,though.

"C'mon Harry,we have to bring these bodies back to the mansion before anyone saw us...,"the blonde hyung said.

"Well,too late for that nailler...look those kids are looking at us,"The curly hyung said.

"Quick grab them and let's leave.Zayn and Liam grab them.Make sure none of them escapes,"after the brunette said that.

Two boys come our way...

"Quick boys,run and don't look back!!!"Jin hyung scream at us.

We all nodded and run as fast as we can.

Jin's pov:

As we ran,we heard those boys gaining on us.

"Guys,split up!!! It will be more harder for them to catch us that way!!!"

The boys nodded their heads and we split ourselves up.Namjoon,yoongi and jimin was with me.We ran to the right while jungkook,taehyung and hoseok ran to the left.

"Hyung,the shaved head hyung is still following us..."jimin said...

I turn around and saw him following us...damn it...We need to put fun him...

"Run faster!!!"I yelled.

We run until we saw a dead end.I look around.Trying to find a way out of here but I can't find any.

"Well...well...You kids seem to have no where else to run.If I were you,you would follow me or else something far worse will happen to you..."the shaved head hyung said as he walk up to us slowly.

"Hyung,what are we gonna do?"joonie asked.

"We comply to him,"I said simply.

They look shock after my statment.

"Smart kid," he said.

~skip to the mansion~

"Kookie!!!"jimin yelled as soon as we reach the mansion.

"Jiminie hyung!!!"kookie yelled as well.

They both hugged each other at least they are fine now.

"I'm glad no one got hurt,"I said as I ruffle taehyung's hair.

"Us too!!!"they replied

"Alright!!! Enough of reunion.Get inside," that shave head hyung said.

All of us ran inside,scared.We saw the brunette hyung sitting in the chair,looking at us expectedly. We quickly say infront of him.Not wanting to cause trouble...

"Well,isn't it quite a surprise?"he said.

We all look at each other questionably.I wonder what he was on about.

"Don't you remember us,jin?"He said as he look at me.

I tried to think back to where did I know them.

~jin's flashback~

"Hey kid,do you mind?"The curly hyung growled as I bump into him.

"S-s-so-sorry s-sir,"I apologise.

"Calm down,styles.He is just a kid," the shave hyung said as he turn to me.

"What's your name buddy?"

"I'm jin,"

"Why are you running?"

"My mum has been abusing me lately and I'm running to my friend house so that I will be safe and away from her,"

"Alright boys,I think we just found our vicitim of the day,"The shave hyung said,smirking.

All of them started to smirk all at once but I look at them confuse.

"You know what,kid.We have something to do.How about you ran off to your friend's house,hmm?"The brunette said as he push me off.

"Alright sir ,"with that I ran off.

~end of flashback~

When I look up and notice that Louis start to smirk.

"It seems to me that he remembers, now.So,what's my name,jin?"he asked.

"Louis,"I stated,simply...

He just nodded his head.

"So,Lou,what are we gonna do with them?"Harry asked.

"Very simple...make them join us.I know that they hang out with this girl and it seems to me that she is of a great importance to them,"

"Leave,Olivia alone!!!"kookie screech.

"So the bunny speaks.Fine,we leave the girl alone if you agree to work with us,"Louis said.

Since then, we help them kill people,get them drugs and all without Olivia knowing until the day we died.

~End of flashback~

Olivia's pov:

"So that's what you did...but how did you died?"I asked.

"Well,all we know is that once jungkook turn thirteen we died immidiately.The rest we had no idea,"niall said.

"THE ENCHANTMENT!!!" I yelled out loud.

"The what?"taehyung questioned.

"Lay's mum told me about an enchantment.due to this enchantment,you guys died.The only way to break it is by...sacrificing for love,"I told them.

"You do realise that you have yet to fall in love with anyone?"suga said.

"You think I didn't realise that.Of course,i did. What if love is not actually romance but more towards friends and family?"i figured out.

"That would make much more sense but we need to now how.We don't have much time before we turn back into ghost,"Liam said.

"Liam is right.We only have the day of Halloween until we turn back," namjoon said.

"So,what are we gonna do?"j-hope ask.

"Well,I need to read more about the town's history.Until then,you guys find more clues around the house.I have to go home now...it's getting late anyways.See you tmr at school,"I told them as I left.

They waved bye to me and as I walk home.I can't help to think about the enchantment.

I wonder what life would be like if Louis never left home at all......

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