In Which Ray Is A Traitor

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I just realized how well that gif fits. XD Otherwise known as after "Fort Rozz!"

And I deeply apologize - Sara keeps wanting to steal the show and I keep letting her.


lancelot: What bitches

penn&telle: Hey you're learning the lingo!

fast&furious: I taught it to her

lancelot: And they're actual bitches

secondisthebest: ^^^

frostbite: Lingo?

supersfriend: "What a bitch" – Winn Schott, multiple times in 2017

penn&telle: That

timedetectivepretty: Huh

lancelot: Seriously though

lancelot: Bitches

athenathegoddessofwisdom: I sincerely hope that does not include me

lancelot: Nah you're clear

lancelot: I'm talking about Fort Rozz

timecheater: Excuse you

lancelot: Fine

lancelot: The aliens we encountered on Fort Rozz

lancelot: That did not include our own beautiful aliens

lancelot: Happy?

timecheater has changed their name to mammamia

mammamia: Much

saturnianaphrodite has changed their name to matilda

matilda: Am I ever going to learn why I kept getting called this?

angelpuppydanvers: We'll tell you later

angelpuppydanvers: On another note

angelpuppydanvers: Sara Lance is suicidal

angelpuppydanvers: Pass it on

promiseskept: Did you just now figure this out

lancelot: Rude

easteriris: What did she do

angelpuppydanvers: Tried to strangle Reign with her bo staff

goodvibes: And we missed it?!

lancelot: You betcha

goodvibes: Girl!

missfoxtrot: You would have died if you were there to see it Cisco

timetravelsabitch: You literally would have died

timetravelsabitch: Blue stars are poisonous to men

youreawizardharry: That's insulting

mammamia: It's also true

mammamia: There were actual corpses of men on the ground because they were poisoned by the star

youreawizardharry: Huh

oliverking: I know

oliverking: I wasn't happy staying on Earth either

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