In Which Sara's Mind Ends Up In The Gutter

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Otherwise known as after "In Search Of Lost Time!"

 . . . and me needing a laugh on election night and me finding my way back onto the S.S. WhiteFlash. *sigh*


smoakandmirrors: Um

smoakandmirrors: Just so everyone is aware

smoakandmirrors: There may not be many people on this from Team SuperArrow

youreawizardharry: That's comforting

lightemup: What happened

supersfriend: I wasn't actually at the D.E.O. when this occurred

supersfriend: But I think J'onn's father had a meltdown

dreadpiratejiwe: A meltdown?

timedetectivepretty: How does a Martian have a meltdown

smoakandmirrors: He makes everyone in the D.E.O. go nuts

thecollector: Aren't we already nuts

gumballintherain: ^

penn&telle: Kara shouted at Mon-El

penn&telle: Dig tried to kill Laurel

penn&telle: Which meant Malcolm then tried killing Dig

backinaflash: Uh oh

penn&telle: Alex shouted at me

penn&telle: Oliver and Dig finally had their "talk" about being the Green Arrow

lancelot: Getting the feeling that "talk" didn't go so well

penn&telle: And it ended with Dig and Slade duking it out in the training room

lancelot: There it is

smoakandmirrors: Prisoners escaped

smoakandmirrors: Agents fought each other

smoakandmirrors: It was a mess

goodvibes: Wow

timedetectivepretty: That's

timedetectivepretty: Quite the meltdown

penn&telle: Yep

penn&telle: So who knows who will pop up here

athenathegoddessofwisdom: Is everyone OK though?

frostbite: Translation

aresthegodofwar: Is anyone dead

bigbadwolf: I'm pleased to report everyone in the D.E.O. is alive

bigbadwolf: I would say "alive and well" but that last word is still pending

angelpuppydanvers: It applies to me

timetravelsabitch: Same

timetravelsabitch: We worked it out

mammamia: Did that involve punching each other in the face

dreadpiratejiwe: Zari

mammamia: It's a fair question!

angelpuppydanvers: No physical harm done

angelpuppydanvers: Just me letting out everything I hated about my relationship with him

easteriris: Ouch

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