In Which Zari And Sara Broadcast The News

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Otherwise known as after "We Fall" and during "True Colors!"



smoakandmirrors: Public service announcement

frostbite: We have those?

goodvibes: Guess we do now

smoakandmirrors: Imra Ardeen is a badass

timetravelsabitch: I could have told you that a long time ago

lancelot: I thought she already was a badass

smoakandmirrors: OK but

smoakandmirrors: She made Dinah Curtis and Rene look like fools last night

smoakandmirrors: Let me just acknowledge it to the chat

bigbadwolf: It was a beautiful thing to watch

supersfriend: ^^^

lightemup: Good for her

lightemup: What did she do

aresthegodofwar: You just want to know how she messed with them don't you

lightemup: That's the only reason I'm on this for

missfoxtrot: Why does this not surprise me

mammamia: Because it's Mick

timedetectivepretty: ^^^

matilda: All I did was rip up the tiles from underneath them

secondisthebest: Yeah

secondisthebest: And make them look like idiots in the process

queenoftheboard: We had a very nice laugh about that in the bunker

penn&telle: It was glorious

gumballintherain: Wasn't this her first time meeting them

timetravelsabitch: My first time too

gumballintherain: Huh

gumballintherain: What were your impressions

timetravelsabitch: I much rather prefer

timetravelsabitch: If I may borrow earlier words

timetravelsabitch: The redeemed villains club

secondisthebest: Is that seriously going to become a thing

merlynthemagician: Considering when we first met we almost flayed him

merlynthemagician: Just take the compliment Siren

goodvibes: Seriously

goodvibes: Dark Team Arrow

spartacus: Does that apply when Felicity and I are still on the team

goodvibes: Grey Team Arrow doesn't sound as nice

moralcompass: Grey Team Arrow

fast&furious: What the fuck Cisco

goodvibes: See

goodvibes: It's not a good name

youreawizardharry: And yet you can't come up with a name for the team when everyone works together

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