In Which Slade And Malcolm Have An Interesting Definition Of Fun

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Just take a guess at what chapter this is after. XD

Otherwise known as after "Collision Course!"


goodvibes: Well this is a first

mammamia: What's a first

goodvibes: There's no sign of Dark Team Arrow at all

supersfriend: Are they seriously going to keep being called that

backinaflash: You try convincing Cisco to give up his nicknames

backinaflash: And then answer your own question

supersfriend: Getting a feeling I already know what that answer is

frostbite: You most likely do

timedetectivepretty: I worked with Team Flash while the Time Bureau had the Waverider

timedetectivepretty: He ain't giving up his nicknames

youreawizardharry: It wouldn't be Ramon if he did

goodvibes: Was that

goodvibes: A compliment

youreawizardharry: No

youreawizardharry: I'm just stating a fact

goodvibes: I'm hurt

lancelot: Deal with it Cisco

lancelot: I wanna know where everyone else is

lightemup: Kitchen

lancelot: Yes I know where you are

lancelot: James

lancelot: Explain

supersfriend: All I know is one second Alex was here

supersfriend: And then Mon-El and Brainy went through a breach with her

matilda: I heard something about finding money?

penn&telle: To be accurate

penn&telle: Finding the money Evelyn took

gumballintherain: Oh good!

dreadpiratejiwe: Did you find her?

penn&telle: Apparently

smoakandmirrors: Actually to be more accurate Oliver and Evelyn found each other

supersfriend: I honestly didn't expect that

fast&furious: Hey I won't complain

fast&furious: At least we're getting the money back

moralcompass: I hope

fast&furious: I could really use some optimism with what's going on right now

lancelot: I'll bite

lancelot: What's going on right now

spartacus: Well first Kara was bugged so the others knew we had Evelyn

goodvibes: Oops

mammamia: Guessing that's not good

fast&furious: According to Dad

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