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(From my boi, Lance's POV again)

I didn't think I would fall asleep that night, but I did. I woke up, and for a minute I forgot that Keith and Hunk were there. I quickly remembred though. I looked down to see two things. Kosmo sitting on the floor next to me, and Keith, who was now wrapped around me in a hug.

I almost screamed because of how cute it was. His face buried into my shoulder, and his arms wrapped around me. I had to look away or else I would probably die. I feel like it is unfair that anyone is allowed to be as attractive as Keith. 'You aren't gay Lance, you probably just think he is cute because the long hair makes him look like a girl' I tried to convince myself. It was totally untrue. Keith's hair wasn't that long, and it totally didn't make him look like a girl. Despite his height and long hair, he definitely looked like a guy. A short guy with long hair.

I had to think this through. 'I think he is cute, and I get all flustered around him sometimes. Does that mean I like him?' I thought back to my crushes on girls. Even Allura never really made me feel like this. I felt like of I stayed there one more second I might just explode. I slid out from his cold grasp and snuck out of the room, trying not to wake up Keith.

It was the weekend, because our school decided to make school start on a Friday to ease into classes and not push us straight into a new school year. I went downstairs to find Hunk making breakfast. "You two enjoy your sleep?" I felt my face blush. "He-he fell off the couch! I was worried he would hurt himself." Hunk nodded. "Mmhmm, and is that why you two were cuddling last night?"
"WE WERE WHAT?" Keith entered the room looking both sleepy, and horrified.
"Ummm, you fell off the couch, so you asked to sleep in my bed!" I lied because I didn't want him to think I was weird or trying to take advantage of him while he was tired or anything. "You were kinda hugging me a little bit. It's fine though, you were tired and you weren't thinking straight." Litterally. Keith went redder than he already was. "Sorry, I... I should go." He mumbled, grabbing the leash off the table. I stopped him. "No, really, it's fine. I'm just glad you didn't fall and hit your head." He made another move to grab the leash.
"I don't need you to look after me! I can handle myself!" He said, frustrated.
"Well Keith, some things you can't just, 'handle yourself'. Sometimes you need someone to help you a little bit. The risk of you falling is worse than hugging you, trust me. I would rather hug you for a week than see something happen to you!" I felt like crying and I'm not even sure why.
Keith didn't look sad per-se, he looked distressed.

"I'm sorry." He said. "
"What are you sorry for?"
"I'm sorry that you care about me."
"I'm just gonna hurt you. Everyone around me always seems to get hurt. First my parents die, then Shiro loses his arm, now I'm just causing problems with you guys. You guys should just go back to how you were before I came."

I felt like hugging him, I felt like just grabbing him and taking him away from everything that could ever hurt him. "Keith, is that really what you think? Do you really think that are just a burden?" Keith nodded.
"Keith, you are probably the coolest person I have met in years. I've only known you for 2 days, but I am already better friends with you then lots of kids I've known for years. I want to be your friend. You are in NO way a burden on ANY of us, do you hear me?" Keith nodded. "Alright"

Hunk called us over to eat some pancakes that he made. A few minutes into the meal, both Hunk and Keith texted someone to pick them up. They gathered their stuff, and left.

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