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Keith was still thinking about the events that took place on Friday. Still convinced that he didn't like Lance. His alarm went off, waking him up. He had decided to stay at his "Parents" house for the weekend. It was closer to school and he didn't feel like getting up at 5:00 AM to get a ride with Shiro because of his weird teacher schedule.

He just put on his normal outfit and grabbed Kosmo. Brian was already up getting ready for work. "Hello Keith. Don't see much of you nowadays." He said, sounding almost happy about it. Keith didn't respond. Instead, he grabbed his backpack and left with Kosmo. He was just a short walk from school.

Coincidentally, just as he was walking by, Lance came out of his front door. "Hey, Keith, hey Kosmo." He gave the dog a pat. "Ready for your first REAL day of school?" Keith gave him a nod. "Kinda." He really wasn't. Keith had...a hard time in school. It's not that he wasn't smart, he just had lots of behavioral issues. He didn't like to do work, and he got into frequent fights. "I hope that our art class is cool. We missed it yesterday." Keith thought back to when he passed out. He was like, 90% sure that Lance was holding his hand when he woke up, but it's better if he just didn't ask.

"I heard that the teacher is nice. Mr. Kolivan. Romelle said that he seems scary at first, but he's actually really nice." Lance said. They discussed art classes for a while until they reached the school. They went inside and got to orchestra class. They were a little early, but that just gave them more time to unpack.

The day went by fairly normally. Math was definitely weird, but it wasn't just Slav screaming and running around for an hour. Many people were interested by Kosmo, but he had to try to keep people from petting him while they were walking so that the dog can stay focused and if he fainted, he wouldn't be distracted.

Eventually, art class rolled around. Keith and Lance walked together. Neither of them had mentioned the events of Friday. They got to the class. It looked fun, the class was filled with colorful art projects and supplies. All of the students were already working on something. Keith decided it would be best not to bother the teacher, who was helping a kid making paper mache.

They went over to Romelle, Shay, and Allura. "Hey, you guys weren't here Friday. What happened?" Romelle asked curiously. "This idiot passed out." Lance joked, pointing at Keith. " "What going on?" Keith deadpanned. Romelle looked at Shay, who shrugged. "I dunno, we're just kinda doing whatever. We are studying color though, so whatever we do has to be colorful. He said that he would  give us good grades as long as we tried and participated in class."

Lance decided to do a collage. They didn't really require must knowledge. He just decided to make a rainbow out of magazine clippings. Keith on the other hand, was drawn to the canvases. He grabbed a largish one. He decided to do a landscape with an earthy color scheme. By the end of class, Lance had 3 small plastic bags, all filled with different shades of red. Keith had the very back of a Landscape. It looked as if the 3 girls were making some form of bracelets. They were actually very pretty from what Keith could see. Each one had a different color scheme and design.

Keith was kind of relived that the day was over. He was pretty tired. Keith decided to go find Shiro before he left to give him a ride. He didn't feel like dealing with his "parents" right then.

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