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Be aware, I'm going to be ignoring the events of season 8 in this fanfic.

Hunk and Shay arrived together shortly after Pidge, closely followed by Romelle and then Allura. All seven of them sat around in the living room, eating snacks. Lance's mom had made lots of cute little halloween cookies, cupcakes and miscellaneous sweets.

A little after Allura arrived, Lance suggested they played a game.
After some resistance from Pidge, who was set on the idea of playing monopoly, they chose charades. An oldie but a goodie. There weren't lots of good board games at Lance's house. they sure as hell weren't gonna do truth or dare again and nobody likes monopoly other than that little trash goblin. Pidge got mad that they were playing charades, so she decided to just be the score keeper. They played in teams of two with a tally of scores. If your teammate guesses it in 30 seconds, you get the point. Person with the most points wins. They teamed everyone up by age. Oldest with second oldest, youngest with second youngest.

They all wrote down some spooky characters and other halloweeny things and put them all in a big bowl.
Allura was the oldest and Romelle was second, so she picked first. She put her hands in a big circle above her head and frowned.
"Snowman!" Romelle yelled.
"It's halloween themed!"
"No talking, Allura." Pidge told her.
"Oh, um, a witch!" Shay guessed.
"PUMPKIN! JACK O LANTERN!!!" Romelle yelled. Allura put her finger on her nose to indicate that she got it right. "YES!" She hopped up off the couch and enthusiasticly hugged Allura in celebration. Allura uncomfortably smiled and her face went red. She awkwardly patted Romelle's back until she released her from her hug.

They both sat down, now it was Hunk and Shay's turn. They guessed that Shay was a zombie first guess. "What, that's not fair. It's too easy!" Lance groaned as they high fived to their victory. It was now Keith and Lance's turn. Keith grabbed the slip of paper out of the bowl. He chuckled when he read it and put it back in the bowl. Instead of flapping his hands wildly and running around the room, he just pointed to himself.
"Keith? Boyfriend? Scary???? OH, VAMPIRE!"
Lance did a weird little victory dance around the room. "Okay, you are all tied. Next round." Pidge unenthusiasticly said, putting a mark on the piece of paper.

They played for a few more rounds. The game was to continue until someone made it to 5 points. The paper read that Hunk and Shay had 3, Romelle and Allura had 5 and Keith and Lance also had 5. After an argument about how they would settle it. Romelle argued that because they got the point first, they should win. Lance argued that because they took less time to guess the words, they should win. "Guys, you're both tied. We have to do a final round. You all use the remaining characters, and do them all. Once the bowl is empty, see who did more." Pidge said as she put the bowl on a stool between them.

"You guys ready? I don't care, go!"
The four teens began furiously grabbing paper and miming at eachother. It only took around a minute until the bowl was empty. They handed the papers that they had finished to Pidge. One by one, she counted them and put them on the coffee table. "And the winner is.......... Lance and Keith!!!!" She said, holding the paper over her head.

Lance pumped his fist victoriously and cheered. In celebration, he grabbed Keith's waist, pulled him close, and kissed him. Not full making out, just a little kiss of victory. He pulled away, and continued to taunt Allura and Romelle. Keith smiled and sat back down on the couch. Lance's dad and his friends were sitting nearby in the other room. Close enough so that Keith could hear them. "Ugh, are you really okay with that?" One of them asked Lance's dad.
"Okay with what?"
"You're son being with that...boy?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, he's you're son. Frankly, if my boy told me he was one of those, I would kick him out right then and there. Be done with the mess. Now, I'm not a homophobe, people can do what they like, but just not my son. Can't call something like that my boy, can I now?" The man retorted. Lance's dad was not having it. He stood up without warning and pointed to the door. "Out." He said in a deep, booming voice.
"Hey now, don't take that the wrong way, I'm not trying to offend you or anything..."
"I SAID, out." He yelled at the man, who scrambled to his feet. "Look man, I'm sorry, I'm just telling you my opinion. I don't see the problem."
Everyone in the room had gone quiet and was looking at the two men uncomfortably.
"If your opinion is that you think that my son having a boyfriend is a reason for me to kick him out of my house, then I think YOU are the one who needs to be kicked out. So like I said before, OUT!" He pointed at the door again, this time, the man practically ran out the door. He even left his coat.

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