4.8 | dirty dreams

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"jackkkkkkkk. wake upppppp." someone whispers, while kicking the back of my seat. i turn around and glare at the boy. "what?" i whisper-yell.

"look." zach says nudging his head over to the stranger sat next to him. "uh huh. what about it?" i roll my eyes. "can't you see it? he's snuggled into me." and sure enough, the stranger has fallen asleep resting his head on zach's shoulder. "it's cute. you guys should date." i tease.

he rolls his eyes, and tries to move, causing the other boy around zach's age to stir. "no. uh. stop." he mumbles.

'nightmare' zach mouths to me. i nod, i turn a around and fall back asleep... until i'm woken again. i think everyone's now awake, the loud groans coming from behind me. corbyn, jonah and i whip our heads back to see zach wide-eyed.

my eyes move over the the loud boy, still fast asleep and cuddling into zach. "uh, uh, uhhh." he moans. 'help me' the youngest boy of the group mouths, while tapping the stranger.

"shut up!" a man yells from the front of the plane. then a baby starts crying, "ARG!? YOU WOKE UP MY BABY!" another mother screams.

"ahh, fUck." he yelps, it was so loud he woke himself up. his face bright red, probably from his dirty dream.

"did anyone hear that?" he whispers, almost silently. "yeah, you woke up the whole plane," daniel says tiredly. "but, it's okay, cause we're landing in five minutes."

wow. ten minutes until hawaii. yay!

the ten minutes goes fast, the customs and security takes the longest. when we all finish, we walk out the humid air hitting us all by surprise.

it was slightly drizzling and the taxi-man daniel called before we arrived had shown up and was packing our bags already. we thanked him swiftly before telling him the hotel name.

the drive was quite quick, only stopping once or twice for traffic. when we got the the hotel we had three conjoining rooms, luckily, i got the one alone. there were two beds in each of the room.

"hey!" "hi!" i hear two people talking... i know that voice.


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