5.0 | sweating

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"WE SHOULD DO A COVER!" zach yells at lunch. all the boys agree with him, so do i. "yeah, all the fans love when you guys do a cover."

"they're limelights, not fans." daniel corrects,
we all laugh.

corbyn looks at me, "what about you, arden? do you sing?" i shake my head violently, trying to convey how much i don't sing, with causes them to laugh at me.

"i've heard you humming a song or two," jack says. i nod, very awkwardly. wow, it's going to be awkward for a while.

"let's do one from the new album!" corbyn suggests, they all nod. zach grabs his phone and starts talking into it, probably recording an instagram story.

"hey guys! so, me and the boys-" he starts, but gets cut off by jonah.
"THE BOYS AND I!" he corrects.

zach rolls his eyes, beginning to talk again, "the boys and i, are recording a new cover for you guys, buttttttt we need to know this." he ends it and hands the phone over to jonah.

"which is your favourite song off the album? we'll be doing a mash up of all your favourites, so just pick your favourites from the polls!"

they all took selfies, most likely putting the polls on top of them.

in an hour, they have the top four winners; 8 letters, talk, hooked and in too deep.
"i knew they were going to choose those!" jack keeps saying,
"no you didn't!" daniel keeps replying.
corbyn and jonah keep laughing at the absurdity of their conversation.

zach walks off,
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" jonah yells after him.
"ILL BE BACK, DONT WORRY!" he replies.

"you guys know, we're in hawaii, the minor age is 18. hes 17, and you're just letting him walk off- in a place he doesn't know." i say, getting up to go find him.

"you worry too much!" daniel calls out.

[jacks pov]

"guys, she's right." i say, the boys shake their heads at me.
"wow," corbyn says, "you're so whipped for her. go on."

"what?" i ask.
"you want to go after her, so just do it now, while she's still in eyesight."

i nod, and run after her.
maybe i am, 'whipped', as the boys say.

"hey ard, wait up!" i yell, she turns around,
"oh hey, jack." she waves.

"i agree with you, you know," i say, "and i'm sorry." i keep my head down, i can't face her right now.

"sorry for what?" she asks, she walks really fast so i'm jogging to keep up with her. how have i never noticed how fast she walks before? maybe it's because i'm nervous, so i think she's walking fast, but she's not and i'm just jogging like a maniac. why is it so hot? am i sweating?

i touch my forehead, yep, definitely sweating.
"for the gabbie situation." we're at a stop now.

"it's okay."
no it's not.
"it really is," she sounds so convincing.
it really isn't.

"jack, shhh. now i know you don't know your volume right now, but youre screaming. you're up to here," she holds out her hand out, "and i need you to come down here." she motions her hand down.

was i yelling that?

i nod, "i'm sorry."
"don't be sorry, now let's find zach, shall we?"

we continue to walk, and luckily i find the courage to slither my hand into hers...

and she doesn't let go,

she actually grips tighter.


so i'm starting to enjoy writing this book again!

and we made it to chapter 50!

how much this book has changed,
from the beginning dirty text, to in hawaii screaming 'it's not okay'

anywayssssss, i hope you liked this chapter, next is the cover and yeahhhhh

ily and thanks for reading!!!!


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