5.1 | used to be

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the boys all gathered around, daniel had asked if he could borrow the musician who was playing at the hotels guitar. luckily the man allowed, only if he could watch.

they looked to each other before they started singing,
"ready?" corbyn asked, i nodded and pressed record on the phone i was currently pointing towards them.

we're in too deep, they harmonized together.

can't touch the bottom with my with my feet

dont know what you did to me i cant breathe,

but im living

the guitar stopped, then started again, slightly more aggressive than before

you got a bad reputation in my neighborhood

you drive me mad with temptation

cause it tastes so good

- time skip (cause im too lazy to write a whole cover of FOUR SONGS WHAT WAS I THINKING?!) -

they gathered around for dinner, it was their last night in hawaii and they werent excited to leave.

"ill miss you guys so much." arden said while eating zachs salad he didnt want.
"you say that while eating my salad!" he says while shaking his head.
"YOU LITERALLY GAVE IT TO ME WH-" she got cut off by jack, saying

everyone laughed, why couldnt it always be like this.
"you should move out to l.a with us, ard." corbyn said, jonah nodded in agreement.
she shrugged, "my mom would pack her bags too." she laughed.

it then went silent, that happened sometimes, just out if nowhere the air became thick (thicc) and there was tension.
all because of arden and jack. he cursed himself because of it, arden didnt mind the silence as it gave her time to think. still, her heart ached whenever he'd look at another girl.

he's not yours. she reassured herself. he used to be though.

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