Chapter 3: Decision

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"Chihiro, are you serious?" Yoyo stared at Chihiro, shocked. Chihiro nodded her head. "I just don't feel complete here...I'm sorry Yoyo..." Chihiro started weeping. Yoyo said nothing but gave her a pat on her shoulder. "It's not that I disagree on your idea but... what about your parents Chihiro, what about your friends?" Chihiro was stunned, she was so tend about going back that she didn't think about how her family or friends will feel. She wiped away her tears and looked at Yoyo, with guilt. "Chihiro, don't look at me like that, your giving me goosebumps" as Yoyo ignored her eye contact with Chihiro. "But hey, if you really tend on going back why don't you just give it a shot?" Chihiro was surprised that her friend would say such thing. She gave her a big, fat hug. But there was one more question, how? How can she know when the spirit portal is open?

Chihiro went to the small stream to find Haku, again. "Haku? Are you there? I need to ask you something..." as her voice trailed off, she heard his voice again. "Yes Chihiro? What did you want to ask?" she was relieved that Haku was in his river ( not his river technically but a part of it? ). "When does the spirit portal actually open? Is there like a certain time or something?" She was nervous. She was scared that the spirit portal opens after a long time. "I'm not quite sure about that but you can try your luck, why?" Haku was curious upon Chihiro's sudden question. "It's nothing important actually, my friend just wants to go and explore the spirit world, if she is lucky. See ya soon, bye!" and Chihiro sprinted off on her bike. "She couldn't be wanting to come back, could she?" but he wiped off that idea immediately. "How could she want to come back, the last time I saw her she was complaining about how much she missed the human world..."

Chihiro got home. She greeted her parents and went upstairs. She totally forgot about Yoyo who was probably worried sick about her right now. "Chihiro? So, what did the river guy told you?" Yoyo asked her immediately as Chihiro called her. "Well, he didn't say when but he said I could try my own luck..." Chihiro sighed. "So, when are you going back?" that is when Chihiro blanked out. She didn't know when and didn't have the courage to leave her parents, after all she could just say she's having a few days slumber party with Yoyo. "Hello? Chihiro?" Yoyo was getting a little impatient due to Chihiro's long no-reply. "I don't know Yoyo... I don't have the courage to leave... though I really want to go..." Chihiro sighed sadly. "Mostly, I don't want to leave you Yoyo..." and there was internal silence between their conversation. "I'll go with you then" Chihiro was surprised, mostly, she was really happy. "But, what about our parents?" Chihiro asked. "We could just say we're going for a road trip at Tokyo I guess, with a bunch of friends of course. After all, it's the school's mid-term break now" Yoyo was smart indeed. "Thank you, Yoyo..." as tears of joy merely came out from Chihiro's face. "Nah, so when are we leaving?" Chihiro smiled, "Tomorrow I guess."

At night, Chihiro rolled around her bed, unable to go to sleep. She was too excited and nervous for tomorrow that she couldn't fall asleep. She kept thinking about Haku's reaction when he saw her, standing in front of him. "Haku will be surprised and happy, I guess" she thought to herself.

Chihiro woke up earlier than usual. She was excited and happy, probably nervous, too. She took the hair tie Zeniba gave her which was woven by all friends, clutching it tight. "I'm coming home, can't wait to see you all..." she said to herself/the hair tie. She called Yoyo, whom was going with her. "Huh? Chihiro? What's up?" Chihiro bailed at the phone, screamed "YOU SAID YOU WERE COMING WITH ME?!" which gave Yoyo a heart attack. "Geez, can't you not scream?" Chihiro glared at the phone with dismay. "Get ready, I'll meet you at noon, 12 o'clock sharp" Chihiro demanded.

Before leaving, Chihiro wrote a message to her parents:
"I'm going to a road trip with Yoyo and some of my friends, gonna miss you both , ily <3"

Then she set off to her journey back. Of course, she did visit the small stream before leaving. "Hi Haku...." unlike from last time, she got the silent reply, again. Chihiro called out Haku's name, still no reply. She was stunned, and afraid. "Where could have he gone?" she thought. But she immediately got back to her spirits. She was going back, so she could see Haku again, in human form. "It's all gonna be alright Chihiro" she thought to herself.

It was noon. Chihiro went to spirit gate, where she first went in to the spirit world, just that this time her parents are not going to accompany her, except that this time it was Yoyo accompanying her. She stared at the gate in awe. How long did she not come back here?

"I'm sorry I'm late!!!" She turned around and saw Yoyo panting, as if she just got up and ran here with all her might. Chihiro ignored the situation and asked "Ready?". Yoyo, breathing normally, exclaimed "Ready as I'll ever be, Chihiro." And the two young ladies went into the tunnel, just like how Chihiro first got into the spirit realm.

They went through the tunnel, then saw a fresh view of fields in green. It was a breathtaking view indeed. They walked further, and saw the stones that were all shaped into a shape of a riverbank. Chihiro saw a bunch of buildings that looked like restaurants further ahead.

She tapped on Yoyo's shoulder, Yoyo looked up to see Chihiro pointing at the buildings further ahead. Yoyo was amazed, "Chihiro, could it be...?" Chihiro nodded with excitement. Her eyes sparkled with joy.

"I can't believe I'm home..."
she said under her breath.

Please tell me if I made any grammar mistakes, tq 🙆🏻‍♀️

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