Chapter 9: Physco alert

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"I really love you,
But I can't have you."

Yoyo's Pov

My mind spoke clearly. I was triggered. Why tho? Why can't I have him but Chihiro can. Why does she deserve to have all the good stuff?

Jealously has clearly taken over my clear mind.

I kidnapped Chihiro, disguised as Chihiro and had all these sweet moments with Haku.

But all of this wasn't enough. I wanted more.

But, is this what I want? I didn't feel happy doing all this. Instead, I felt...
Guilty. Really guilty. My heart ache every time I was with Haku.

I knew that, the inside of me, is slowly corrupting. But what can I possibly do? Sit down and get mental treatment? No, of course. I couldn't do anything.

"Let it corrupt then. I don't need my inner self anyways." I muttered to myself.

I seemed fine though. But something inside me hurts. What is it though...


The sounds of stepping on branches startled me. I went outside to check who was it. I was afraid, I'll get caught.
I went outside.

Hmm... no one.

I heard Chihiro muffling. Oh no, someone snuck into the house while I was gone.
Crap dude.
I walked inside, trying to be calm. I peeked from outside to see who it was. I saw... Lin.

What a sneaky brat.

I crept behind her. Thank god she didn't notice me.

But, I almost failed. I almost got caught. Darn it Chihiro, why did you do that though. I didn't even get to release my full potential of spells. Yeet.

Instead of using spells ( cuz it took too long ), I used the signature karate chop xD. This move is damn classic, I'll use it forever xDD.

Okok, back to where I left off. Cyaaaa

No one's pov

Lin woke up, finding herself in some random room, locked up. What's worse, the windows were sealed up tight, probably to prevent her from escaping. She looked down, and saw her hands and feet in chains.

Crap. I shouldn't have been such a freak.

Lin stood up. As she did, the chains made a lot of tingling sounds. She couldn't move.

The door of the room opened. Yoyo appeared. "Hey Lin! How do you like it?" With a cheerful smile, Yoyo greeted Lin. And god, Lin was really disgusted.

"Tf? Quit acting and tell me why did you do this to me and Chihiro." Lin snorted as her eyes stared at Yoyo dreadfully.

"Oh this? Erm, so no one gets in my way." Yoyo pointed at the syringe, laughing. She grabbed Lin's arm, stabbed it and injected the filling. Finishing it, she pulled Lin towards her, her head lowered to her ears.
"Have a good rest Lin, you'll wake up soon." She said softly.

Damn this girl is such a physcopath. Yoyo slammed the door. Lin collapsed, her hand started to get numb. Oh crap, is this some sort of numb injection? She fell onto the floor, her mind getting blurred even more. At last, she fell into a deep sleep.

"She probably won't wake up any moment now." Yoyo said to herself, laughing. Chihiro was afraid, she saw everything with her own eyes.

Damn I really need to get out of here. Chihiro muttered under her breath. She looked at Yoyo and sighed.

"How is this even possible, she's a physcopath now..." she said sarcastically. As she finished, Yoyo turned around, facing her. "Damn what do you want?" Chihiro was really triggered. Yoyo took her syringe out, the same syringe used to inject Lin. She stabbed it on Chihiro, making her moan in pain.

"Ah crap Yoyo, you really have your ways." Chihiro snickered. "Relax, you won't die. You'll just suffer like u wished you'd die." Yoyo smiled.

Wait what, what did she mean by that. Chihiro thought as the pain grew, she was in great pain.
Damn crap Yoyo, I should have known.

Haku's heart ached, he collapsed onto the floor. Kamajii took him to his room, man he was worried sick.

"What happened to you? Are you alright?" Though worried, Kamajii tried his best not to show it.

"Something's not right... I can't really tell but I think..." he was interrupted by seconds of coughing. His face was pale and his arms and legs were trembling.

"Chihiro's in danger, Kamajii." He said nervously.

Sry for the boring chapter aaa, I've been really busy with exams lately. They're really a headache sometimes.
Well, cya soon !

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