Chapter 10: Truth and fate

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"Are you serious?" Kamaji asked Haku, nervously.
"Yeah, I don't feel very well myself." Haku said eagerly.
"Let's save her then." Kamaji smiled towards him, his heart filled with passion. "Thanks Kamaji, lucky to have a man like u." Haku chuckled.

They went to the woods, searched and searched but found nothing. A few hours had passed since then.
"Hey Haku, you sure she's here? We can't find any clues or her person.." Kamaji said, sweating.
"I'm sure Kamaji she's around here somewhere. My instincts told me." Haku said, worried that his instincts were wrong. "Let's keep finding then, I hope it's not wrong." Kamaji smiled.

Suddenly, they heard tree branches snapping. They turned their head around and saw someone behind them.

"Hello guys, lovely to see you." Yoyo smiled. "So, what are you guys doing in this beautiful forest?" she asked, curiously.

"Get away." Haku scowled. He clenched his fists, ready to fight.

"Aww Haku, you can't treat your girlfriend like this, can you?" Yoyo smiled at him.

Wait what? My girlfriend? How the heck...

"If you're wondering what did I mean, well I hate to tell you that I've been pretending to be Chihiro all this time, after you found out that her memories suddenly came back, or should I say mine?" Yoyo put her finger on Haku's chest, moving it in circular motions. With that, she changed into Chihiro's look, smiling.

"Haku, I know you more than that girl does. I know what you desire the most, so come with me and I can give you what you want." Yoyo, still moving her finger on Haku's chest in circular motions, whispered in Haku's ear, all sexual like.

"Gulp." that was Haku's throat.
She's right. She does know me better than Chihiro does... Haku thought in grave might. He stared at Yoyo, who gave him a sexual eye contact, making him starting to feel irresistible.

Hold up mate, she's just in Chihiro's look. It's not her, chill bro chill...
Haku closed his eyes tightly, his cheeks blushing fiercely. Finally, he moved his hands and shoved Yoyo away from him, making Yoyo yelp.

"Ah shit, never thought you could resist that." Yoyo snickered, her shoulders were in great pain. "Well, since you asked for it, say goodbye to Chihiro forever." By that, Yoyo clenched her fists, creating what seems like a magical barrier. Haku and Kamaji were shocked indeed.

"Welcome, to my spirit world." Yoyo smiled, wickedly. "All you have to do, is to defeat me here and you'll go back to the real world for sure. If you don't..." Yoyo suddenly stopped, thinking of a word to continue her sentence.

"If we don't, what will happen?" Haku asked, standing in a ready to fight pose. He was nervous, if he lost, will he die here with Kamaji? And never see Chihiro again? His fists were shivering, and in cold sweat. Kamaji patted his back, giving him a sprint of hope.

"Hmm what was it again? I can't remember what will happen though." Yoyo falsely smiled.

"Well, who the heck cares. Let's get started guys, I'm eager to know who will win." Yoyo snickered.

"So, are there any rules here? I hope no." Haku's fists suddenly surrounded by blue fire, he was ready to fight.

"Rules? Nah that's torture. It's all simple, defeat me and you'll be free, you can go back and save your dear Chihiro. If you don't,———"

"If I don't?"

"Heheh, you'll die right here ! And your magic abilities will get consumed, by my spirit world!"

"That easy eh. Well, let's begin then. I don't want to waste a shit here." Haku growled."

"You still don't know, you'll die."

Yoyo whispered to herself.

Hi guys! It's been a while since I updated right 😂 I'm sorry ;-;
Well, nxt chapter it's into Yoyo's spirit world! Can't wait to start it soon.

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