Chapter 7: Forgotten

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Everything was so dark.
I couldn't feel myself.


Chihiro slowly opened her eyes, finding a really tensed Haku. "You—" she was interrupted by Haku, who held her tightly, then gave her a warm hug. "I was so worried about you... don't leave my sight ever again... okay?" he pleaded, looking into her eyes.

She shoved him away, blushing and frightened. "Who... are you? Do I even know you?" Haku was stunned. He raised his hand to touch her face, her skin was really soft, especially her cheeks, all chubby-like. She was uncomfortable with his sudden move, she then shoved his hand away, in a total shock.

"Listen, get away you pervert." she scurried off, in a hurry. Haku, who was still stunned, stood there. Tears flowed out from his eyes, rolling down his cheeks. He chased after her, but lost sight of her. He sighed.


Lin waited and waited, no sight of Chihiro nor Haku. She stomped her foot in anger, thinking what Yoyo might have done to them. She bit her lips and her thumb, while praying. Suddenly, dust came out of nowhere, making Lin sneeze. She had a clearer look and couldn't believe what she saw. Her eyes widened, gasping at the view she just saw. She ran towards it, screaming their names.

The few restaurants there were destructed.


"Chihiro...." Haku kneeled down and buried his head into his legs, merely crying. Lin, who arrived at the scene, saw Haku crying. Most importantly, Chihiro was out of sight. Lin collapsed, grabbed Haku's shirt, questioning him what had happened.

He stared at Lin, tears bursted out from his eyes. Lin was shocked by his sudden reaction, she quickly let go of his shirt. Haku buried himself in his legs again, crying.

"She....she's forgotten me, Lin..." Haku cried out loud. Lin stood there, not knowing what to do. "She treated me like this stranger and her eyes were cold against me..." he mumbled. She sat down beside him and patted his shoulder, while giving in. Haku may seem like a tough guy but his heart was as fragile as glass, do something that hurts him and it'll send him off crying loud. In Lin's eyes, he was nothing but a little brother to her. "Don't loose hope you big fellow, let's find her and ask what happened, okay?" she said while patting his head. He sniffed and nodded his head.


"Where is this place... why am I here tho. I remembered I got zapped by this big ball of light and lost conscious... then I met that weird guy..." Chihiro thought. She tried to recall her memories but failed, her head was in a sudden yet great pain. She moaned as the pain grew, she kneeled down while massaging her head but it just got worse. She collapsed on the cold floor, muttering in great pain. Her face was pale yet cold, she felt great dizziness surrounding her. She fainted.


Haku and Lin spread the search party around the village, trying to gather everyone to find the missing Chihiro. As they continued on searching, they heard somebody screamed. "I found someone lying here!!! Come look!" a frog yelled. Haku raced over with all his might, followed by Lin as well and was relieved. They found Chihiro, though she was unconscious. She was lying at the Kohaku riverbank. Haku went to her and gave her a really big hug, that woke Chihiro up with a start.

"Haku? What am I doing here? Where's Yoyo?" Chihiro mumbled. At first, he was suspicious about her behaviour but soon he got the thought away. "Shh, you are very tired now, let's go back and get you some rest, shall we?" Chihiro nodded. Haku carried her piggyback style while Chihiro rested on his broad shoulder.

They went back to the Bathhouse. By then, it was already night, everyone was tired. Haku carried Chihiro to his room and lay her on his bed. As he was about to go to the bathroom, he felt a strong tug on his shirt, it was Chihiro. "Don't leave me please... I'm scared..." her eyes filled with tears. Haku sighed and patted her head, while moving closer to her. "It's gonna be alright, Chihiro. I just need to use the bathroom.... I'm gonna be quick, okay?" he whispered beside Chihiro's ear, making her blush. She nodded, blushing.

Haku felt weird about Chihiro's sudden movement. She had never been so... ladylike. Not that he meant Chihiro acts like a boy usually, but the feeling she gave him, was different than usual. He washed away the thoughts in his head while washing his hands, then opened the bathroom door, finding Chihiro looking at the view outside. He went over to her, wrapping her shoulder with his arms. She backed away for a moment, but then gave in.

"The... view is breathtaking, isn't it?" she exclaimed, her eyes shimmering. Haku nodded, while gazing into her eyes. For a moment, a hint of green appeared in her eyes, which made Haku shocked. But he soon thought he was seeing things then continued to enjoy the view with her. She gazed at Haku, leaning towards him. He noticed her movement and turned around, his face facing to her. "What's wrong—" he was interrupted by Chihiro, who kissed him.

"@/$.72#%?!" He was shocked and quite... happy? He blushed furiously. She leaned away, smiling. Haku turned away, his fingers touching his lips. "Did she just kiss me? OMG OMG OMG.... this isn't a dream, is it?" he pinched himself, it wasn't a dream. He faced her, again. She smiled, sending him rapid heartbeats. His hand twitched a little, his mind was blank, not knowing what to do. Under conscious, he hugged her tightly, resting his head on her shoulder. He whispered under his breath, while blushing.

"Chihiro... Chihiro Ogino... I erm... love you..." she was stunned. She smiled at him and rested on his chest. It was already midnight. They went to bed, facing each other.

"Goodnight, Chihiro Ogino..." and he went in a deep sleep. She sat up, sighing in relief. Chihiro looked at the sleeping Haku, mumbling to herself while snickering. She whispered under her breath, it was so quiet that only she herself could hear.

"Aww goodnight to you too, handsome. But... my name is not Chihiro.... it's Yoyo, Yoyo Tachibana" she smiled at him, laughing wickedly.

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