Chapter 6: A short return back III

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Yoyo saw Lin, who was stunned all the way through. She walked over to Lin. "Let's go then!" she smiled. Lin was disgusted by her behaviour. She shook her hand in front of Yoyo, scared and nervous at the same time. "Who the heck are you?" she asked. Yoyo's eyes grew wide open, she snorted. "Chihiro's friend, Yoyo!" she exclaimed. Lin grabbed Yoyo's shirt, looked at her in the eye, her eyes filled with fury.

"I said,"


Haku, who pushed Chihiro down the soft green grass, looked at her sternly. Chihiro blushed furiously. "You said that you kissed me?" Chihiro asked while looking at him in the eye. Haku nodded, blushing at the same time.

She freezed, gazing through his soft emerald eyes. Haku leaned in, closing his eyes. Their mouths were only a few inches away. Suddenly, a flashback appeared in Chihiro's eyes. Her eyes grew wide open, pushing Haku away which led him tumbling on the grass. She panted heavily. He was shocked to see Chihiro behaving like this. Haku went over to her and carried her bridal style.

"Are you... okay?" he asked, worried. "I'm... I'm fine... Let's just go back, please." Chihiro muttered while trying to catch her breath. "As you wish." and by then Haku transformed into his dragon form, and soared through the sky.

Chihiro gripped tightly onto Haku's horns. She closed her eyes and sighed, it was a long time since she last saw the flashback inside her head. "That does not mean good news to me..." she muttered as she sank into her thoughts.

They arrived at the Bathhouse.

Chihiro saw Lin at the entrance and to her surprise, she saw Yoyo, doing well. She ran over to them and hugged them tightly. "Wait... what's all with this, Sen? Did Haku bullied you...?" Lin's face grew dark rapidly and stared at the young man, making him shiver. Chihiro shook her head and laughed. Yoyo looked at all of them, nobody noticed her face went all jealous-like.

"Chihiro, can I speak to you for a moment, please." It was Yoyo, lowering her head so that no one could see her face. Chihiro nodded and by then Yoyo took her by the hand, ran to the restaurants with all her might. Chihiro huffed and puffed while Yoyo stood there, staring at her. "Erm... everything alright Yoyo? You don't seem so good though.." Chihiro looked at her friend worryingly. "We should go home Chihiro... I don't feel... welcome here." she said with a stern yet sad voice, hiding all her jealousy.

"Ehhh, why?" Chihiro was shocked. Didn't Yoyo like this place?
"You should check out on your Sen, my dear friend." Lin said with a stern yet sort of playful voice. "It's Chihiro, Lin. They should be fine though, why bother about them?" Haku laughed while looking at Lin. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to a random corner. She put her hand on the wall, like how those bullies do when they bully someone. "Listen dragon, her friend Yoyo is nothing you think she is. She's a really dangerous thing, if she's beside Chihiro, I mean... Chihiro is just a normal human while her friend possesses... from what I feel it feels like... dark powers..." as she shoved her hand away from the wall, leaving Haku shocked. "So you mean... that she might be in danger now?" Haku looked up and saw Lin's face, all crooked up. "I'm not sure but... you better hurry." she said as she pointed at his chest, merely poking it. With that, he ran towards the restaurants, while seeking for sight of Chihiro.

"Please be alright..." as Haku dashed into the couple of houses.
"Are you sure... you want to know why?" Yoyo's face grew darker, making Chihiro frightened. "Yes, there must be a reason... you said you love this place, but now..." she looked down and sank into her thoughts.

" Loved not love." Yoyo said sternly. "Let's leave, please." she held Chihiro's hand, shaking it. "Erm... I..." Chihiro's hand was getting sore of all the shaking, she couldn't take it anymore. "I can't..." she yelled, which probably frightened Yoyo. "I knew it..." Yoyo snickered as she lowered her head down. An evil laughter surrounded the atmosphere, it was coming from Yoyo. She shook her head while putting a hand on it. Chihiro was shocked, she felt the grip on her hand tightening, which made her uncomfortable. "What's going on Yoyo? Are you okay?" Chihiro tried to look into her eyes. Yoyo looked up, her pupils changed from brown to light green. Chihiro was shocked once again, this isn't the Yoyo she once knew. Rays of purple with hints of green surrounded Yoyo, lifting her to the sky. Chihiro stood there, staring at the mutated Yoyo.

Yoyo stared down and saw Chihiro, stunned. "Aww what's wrong my little Chihiro? Did a cat bite your tounge?" Yoyo snickered. "This isn't you Yoyo... what happened?" Chihiro tried to get near her, but she got pulled away by the rays that surrounded Yoyo. "It's time my friend... Goodbye!" Yoyo smiled and created something that looked like a big ball of light. She aimed it to Chihiro and threw it with all her might. The ball of light went closer and closer to Chihiro, her eyes reflected the picture of it. She stood there, stunned and afraid.

Dust went everywhere. Haku arrived at the scene, coughing while trying to catch up his breath.

What he saw, was something he couldn't imagine.


Sorry for the short passage, I ran out of ideas xD
Hope you guys enjoyed it !

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