An odd gift

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You stared at your father with a blank expression. He smiled brightly at you as he held out two hand guns. You looked down at the guns. You then looked up at your father questioningly.

"Um, what?" You questioned. Your father's smile brightened even more, if that was possible.

"I'm giving you these two hand guns. These should come in handy if another crazy crook wants your eyes." Your father said. You stared down at the two hand guns in your father's hands. You then reached out to grab them when you heard your mother shriek.

"F/N! What do you think you're doing by giving our daughter two HANDGUNS!?" Your mother cried. You and your father flinched and looked up at your mother with wide eyes.

"O-oh! I was just giving Y/N these hand guns to protect herself with. Is there a problem with that?" Your father questioned. Your mother frowned.

"Yes, of course there is! You don't give a fourteen year old girl a pair of guns!" Your mother screeched. Your father frowned and stood up.

"But she needs something to protect herself with! You saw how she was kidnapped that one time by that crazy scientist, who knows what could happen!" Your father argued. You frowned at your parents, it was quite rare for them to argue.

"She has a boyfriend who is literally a humanised weapon, he will protect her when the time rises!"

"And what if he isn't there, huh? What if he isn't there to protect her!" Before your mother could retaliate, you stood up.

"QUIET!" You screamed, silencing your parents. You breathed heavily and took one of the guns from your father. "Mum, dad's right. Astro won't always be there to protect me. But I doubt that I'll need TWO handguns. So one will do. Please mum, trust me. I know what I'm doing." You told. Your mother frowned while your father smiled in victory. She then sighed and walked over to you.

"Alright, I trust you." Your mother said as she smiled. You smiled back at her. Your father then handed you a gun pouch.

"Here, keep it concealed. We don't want for people to be weary of you." Your father told. You nodded and put the gun pouch on and slipped the gun inside the pouch. You then pulled your shirt over the gun and you smiled at your father.

"Thanks, dad." Your father grinned and nodded. He then patted your back.

"Now, go play with your friends, kiddo." You nodded and waved to your parents as you ran out of the house. You then poked your head back in and grabbed your blindfold and walking stick and grinned at your parents sheepishly.

"Heh heh heh, almost forgot these." You mentioned before leaving the house. Your parents shook their heads as they chuckled.


You walked along the footpath leading to the surface. You had gotten used to relying on your ears and sense of smell to get around the city. You barely had to use the walking stick anymore. You smiled and held the walking stick behind you as you walked. You felt like a free bird. The moment you heard crunching under your feet and the scent of rusted metal and dust had entered your nose, you knew that you had arrived at the surface. You hadn't even taken a single step forwards when you were suddenly whisked off your feet by a familiar pair of arms. You giggled and wrapped your arms around Astro's neck.

"Well hello to you too." You joked. Astro grinned at you.

"Are you ready for a day full of adventures?" Astro questioned. You smiled and nodded. Astro smiled and flew towards the ground where the others were. Cora raced up to you and hugged you tightly.

"Ah it's been so long! Have you grown?" The taller girl asked as she measured you with her hand. You smiled and shrugged.

"Who knows. So, ready for an adventure?" You questioned as you rested your hands on your hips. Cora grinned at you.

In Blindsight (Astro boy X blind reader)Where stories live. Discover now