(Chapter 5) Oh Its You..

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~At school already again~

After English I had my filming class, I went to my locker to put away my English books and grab my photographs and books for my next class. But someone pulls on my shirt on slams me against the lockers, 'It can't be Tiffany she wouldn't be this strong for a fat ass like me' I thought. I looked up to see Seth, the most popular guy in the school, and the one that won't leave me alone because I won't go out with him. "Go out with me?" He asked having a devilish smirk, his blond hair pasted against his skull with hair gel, him still wearing that leather jacket and jeans, but this time his leather jacket was closed. "You already fucking know the answer" I growled glaring at him, tired of getting pushed around, I clutched onto my stuff. "Yes?" He asked chuckling at his own joke, "No Dickhead, Now leave me alone!" I yelled at him, I was already late for class and everyone was at class, so it was just me and him in the hallways alone. He didn't look happy, he shoved me intel we were in the boys bathroom, "LET ME GO!" I yelled even louder. 'No I don't want him, please god I'm sorry!' I thought desperately in my mind, Seth shoved me to the wall making me drop all of my stuff. Tears started to escape my eyes, "Your pathetic" he growled in my ear tearing of my clothes, I could fight back, I was too emotional. And suddenly I hear some footsteps, I yelled out "HELP, HELP ME!" As loud as I could, in came in the most handsome boy. He had brown hair, baby blue eyes, and wore some geeky clothes, but he looked strong. He was shocked as Seth shoved me to the ground, I was almost naked but I thanked myself to wear a bra and a tank top under my shirt, I started to put on my clothes, hurrying and grabbing my stuff, as I saw them fight. Seth was losing, his face already badly swollen, I whispered "Thank you" to the guy who saved me, who saved my virginity. I heard him chuckle, "Anytime" he said back grunting afterwards, his voice had an accent, Irish. Something that always melted my heart, I hurried out of the bathroom and headed to my class, still kinda sore on my neck where Seth sucked on. I didn't have any problem explaining why I missed some of the class, my photography teacher was super lenient, and for the rest of the day I didn't have any problems, Thankfully.

~End of the day~

I was about to leave when someone tapped on my back, I whirled behind so fast I almost fell. There was the guy I bumped into yesterday, "Hey I never caught your name." He said, I looked down. "It's (Y/N)..." I said almost too quietly, still shaken up from today's event, "That's a beautiful na- Oh hey Jack!" The guy said but stopped mid-sentence, I looked up to see the guy that saved me, my stomach already having butterfly's. "Hey!" He replied hanging his arm around the guys neck, "Uh, thank you for saving me earlier it means a lot" I said, he smiled and nodded. "Mark oh boy I have a lot to tell you, see you later..?" Jack said waiting for me to tell him my name, but Mark interrupted before I could even say anything, "She's (Y/N)" he said. "See you later (Y/N)" Jack said the thick Irish accent sticking to his words while Mark and jack walked away.

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