(Chapter 7) Bloody "Hate"

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Anti's POV-

I laughed as I walked down the street, she was weak, but she was also going to be mine. I just needed to get Dark out of the way, and it seemed perfect that he grabbed my throat and shoved me against the wall. "Well hello Darkimoo" I said amusing myself, "Do not fucking call me that" he growled, it echoing in the night. He postered himself to look more powerful, most demons do that when they present themself, especially Dark. "Now, I'll spare your time away from hell IF you tell me where the girl is" He said tightening his grip on my neck, his nails dig into my skin. It started making me laugh like usual, "Why is she so important to you?" I asked and acted disgusted. "Because every girl you get they always are found dead BECAUSE THEY COULDN'T HANDLE YOU!" He yelled in my face, making me go dead silent, then he tightened his grip, I started to have trouble breathing. "I-In the all- alleyway" I struggled to say, he let me go and ran off, I slumped down the wall, my heart raising as usual, then the occasional anger boiling in my veins again. I clenched my teeth, "I will get you, you just wait Dark" I growled to myself.

(Y/N)'s POV-

I shivered awake, my best friend and sister talking in grief. "What's wrong?" I wondered out loud, they looked at me as I sat up. "Y-You got raped (Y/N)!" My best friend says getting all teary eyed in front of me, my sister didn't even say anything she just looked at the ground. This time confusion slipped out of my head and In came anger, "Who took me here?! I WAS IN THE ALLEYWAY FOR GODS SAKE!" I yelled my voice changing completely. Both of my sister and bestie looked fearfully at me, I cleared my throat, "I'm just frustrated that's all" I said starting to walk out of the room. "Well YOUR NOT THE ONLY ONE!" My sister yelled just as I grabbed the doorknob. I glanced at her than walked out, shuttling the door behind me I made a run for it outside of our house. Once I got out there I stopped and sat down on the steps, that's when the tears came, 'I got raped?!' I thought sadly, suddenly a rush of wind hit me and I shivered a little. "You okay?" A voice said behind me, I didn't even want to talk. 'Does it look like it?' I thought rudely, "Y-" I started to say but the guys deep voice cut me off, "No but I wanted to check on you" The guy said. I didn't even flinch when he sat down beside me, the anger started to take control and I started to yell. "WHO ARE YOU? DID YOU RAPE ME? WHERE IS HE?! I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU IF YOU WONT TELL ME!" The guy wore a suit, and had some grey skin, his hair was nicely styled, and on his face he wore a shocked expression. Then smoke came and he wasn't here, and just in Time my sister came out of the front door looking worried and rushed.

Also shout out to these three people!

Thank you so much for the support ALL YA. Just these stood out to me, if you want to be in a shoutout you'll have to comment down below "Shoutout Author-Chan!" Exactly, then maybe a follow and a vote on the more recent chapters!

Thanks again!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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