John Kramer (+Apprentices)

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You wake up in a room. What happened? When you try to lift your head it feels heavy and when you look at you arms you realise you're strapped to a chair. Oh no. You think about all the sins you have committed, all the lies and you start mumbling words of "Please, I'm sorry". That's when they walk in. Well, two walked and one was wheeled in using a wheelchair. The wheelchair man was the first to speak, he had an oxygen mask hooked around his neck and he had to remove it to talk "Hello (Y/N), I want to play a game. For years you have (enter some sins of your own, everyone has their own.... Misdeeds), now it's your turn to pay. On your head is a device I like to call a Reverse Beartrap. All you need to know is that within 60 seconds of when I press this button you will die if you don't get it off your head. To survive, all you need to do is join us." You catch the eye of the male standing up and he stares at you with a stare deadlier than snake venom.

"I know who you are, I know what you do, and I know that your sick little games are never ending. I will never join you" The female smiles and whispers something to the man in the wheelchair. "You have to help or you'll die."

*A/N So this is kind of a choose your destiny story. The first paragraph will be for if you decide to not join and the second will be if you decide to help them*

You shake your head "Never. You are all monsters who will rot in the pits of hell. Go ahead and kill me, at least then I won't be stuck on a planet with dirt like you!" The man who stared at you with the deadly glare speaks up for the first time and says "Before we do anything let me talk to (Y/N)." The woman wheels the chair out and you're alone. "I'm not a bad guy you know. I got backmailed into this similarly to you. If you say you'll do this I'll make sure you won't be effected too much." You once more meet his eyes and see sympathy, you nod your head and he calls in the other 2. "They've agreed to do it. Let them free." All of a sudden the girl grabs the button and presses it. "AMANDA NO, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? " The man hits her round the face as wheelchair guy sits there in shock and says "Unfortunately.... This is game over...."

"I..... I'll... I'll do it." You mumble reluctantly. The girl makes a sour face as death stare guy smiles at you and releases you from the mask first and then your arm restraints. "I'm Mark, that's Amanda" He says and then he says in a close to whisper voice "And the old guy in the chair who is psychopathic, that's John. " I smirk and survey the three of them. I know I shouldn't feel at home here, it's wrong on so many levels but... For some reason I do feel like I fit. I start to think that maybe saying yes wasn't such a bad idea.

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