If You Were In Vacancy

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So this one is a bit different. Firstly because it's to celebrate 3k reads. Seriously, I'm so grateful. Secondly it's to celebrate my return to Wattpad and my new story which had the first part released today. It's just pure horror reviews so, if you like this you might like that.

Last of all this is different because instead of it being meeting the killer it's... Well... Being in the situation a bit more. If you've never watched Vacancy 1 or 2 I'd highly suggests you do that or it's just gonna seem like I'm crazy for the next few mins.... Anyway, enjoy :).


You feel your eyelids droop as you stare as the dark night ahead of you. A whole two more hours of driving was still to come and you could barely stay awake now, you need to stop.

A little motel comes into view, its sign is flickering so you're unsure of whether it has a room or not but... You need to try, there's no way you're going to last until you get home.

As you park your car and head in you swear you hear a scream coming from the room on the end. Your eyes dart towards the door but you see nothing. Shaking your head, you put it down to the wind and sleep deprivation and head to the reception. An empty desk greets you and you stand there for a moment waiting to see if anyone will come out. When nobody does you ring the bell and moments later a man stumbles out and smiles. He looks pretty normal which eases your fear over the screaming.

"Hey, How can I help you?" You tell him you'd like a room for one and he nods. He grabs a key off the wall and once you've played him the $90 fee, he leads you out of the door and across to the far room. The one that you thought you heard screaming from earlier. Your heart stops as he opens the door. He switches on the light and you see.... Nothing... You let out a breathy laugh at your own stupidity and thank the man.

Once you change out of your clothes and have a shower you feel much more refreshed as you settle down to watch TV. You press the button on the remote and the screen shows static. Every single side was 'The Static Show'. After 10 minutes of trying to find a channel you give up and resort to the old tapes they have stå ked up on top of the TV. Seriously, how old was this place?

As the first one begins to play you watch in horror as your room appears on the screen in front of you. A woman and a man stand exactly where you are looking petrified at a banging on the door. Right on cue the door starts being banged by something outside. You whimper and creep to the window to look out but nobody was there.

You vault the bed and grab your car keys from the night table. You scramble out of the door and stumble to your car, fumbling with the keys as you go.

As you look back over your shoulder you see two hooded people slowly walking towards you across the vacant parking spaces. You begin to panic and drop the keys. Cursing, you bend over and pick them up. When you return to a standing position the hooded figure is right in front of you.

You try to scream but it's too late. You feel yourself black out as the cold metal of a gun hits you round the face.

When you wake up you're lying down on the bed in the hotel room you've just tried running from. Even though you feel uneasy on your feet you get up and head to the door but when you try to open it you find it's locked. You slump against the door head in hands sobbing uncontrollably.

With no escape you sit on the bed once again, facing the door head on and await your fate as the banging on the door starts all over again. There was no escape.

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