Art The Clown (Terrifier)

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You are walking home with your best friend and reach her house. They say goodbye and go inside. You continue and reach the entrance to a shortcut that you sometimes take to get home faster. It's late and yeah it's a little dangerous but hell, you've used it a million times before and nothing has ever happened... And nothing ever will.... Right?

As you reach half way down the path you glance at where you entered the lane from and see someone at the end of the street wearing an black and white clown costume with matching face paint. Clowns have always freaked you out, whether it be a TV the circus or at a fancy dress party but it is Halloween so I guess there's nothing against this guy being dressed like this. But before you can even thinking of turning back the right way he waves at you.

"That isn't weird at all" you think to yourself but you wave back anyway in hope he'll leave you alone. Then he walks towards you. Frozen in fear you stand and watch as he stops about a metre in front of you and pulls out a horn. You breathe out a breath you didn't realise you'd even been holding and chuckle a bit. Then he smiled...

His smile was creepy and unnerving. To top it all off his eyes were dead and unforgiving. Once more your body froze but this time you see him back away into the trees and you swear that just for a second the moonlight bounced off of a knife in his hand.

You almost forgot the creepy clown by the time you reached your house but something still didn't feel right.

When you walk into your house you see a lit candle on the floor in the entranceway and when you opened the door to you bedroom you see him sitting on the bed. The Clown.

You scream and he smiles that sadistic smile. You try to back up but hit the wall instead of finding the doorway. He stands up and stalks towards you, the smile still plastered on his face. You feel a tear run down your cheek as he picks up one of your book and slams it against the top of your skull with a crunch.

He repeats this many times until you pass out. While you're unconscious he dines on your face with his bare hands until the police arrive and he shoots himself.

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