Please Read This

760 14 0

Considering this is my most read story I thought that I'd do this here. It's been officially a year since I joined the amazing Wattpad community and I'd like to thank everyone for the amazing amount of support I've been getting. I have a story with 600+ reads, two with 1k+ and finally this one which is by far my proudest achievement considering we are less than 400 reads away from 5k!

This isn't going to be a beg for reads or whatever that I normally do coz I don't feel like selling out today. This is something different, it's the most sincere thank you I've done on here.

The last year of my life has been difficult because of school pressure I've faced and at times I've completely disappeared from not just the face of Wattpad but also from reality by locking myself away but whenever I came back, I'd always be greeted with the same enthusiasm as when I left. It kept my spirits up greatly through some events in my life and seeing all the positivity really made me happy.

This experience has changed me for the better.... I might still be a bad writer but it's inspired me to be braver and bolder and not care what people think...

So why bring this up now? Because I'm about to start a new chapter in my life. I'm entering 6th form and studying to hopefully pass my A-Levels in 2 years time. While this may take up most of my time, I hope that I will be able to find time for you amazing people as you truly do mean the world to me.

The confidence this has given me may not be that much to some but for me it's all I need to feel as if I can make this new environment work for me and hopefully make me go to people and try to make new friends.

So with that being said, from the bottom of my heart, I love you all. If you actually read all this then I love you even more.

Until the next time with love from your humble fanfic writer-
Anonymous Fan 03

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