Emily's Birthday

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Alison pov

I couldn't wait to surprise Emily with what I had planned for today. I even bought some pink lace lingerie for the occasion since she loved me in pink. It was the same color as the dress I wore to our wedding. I was probably more excited about her birthday than she was. She had left early to go see her mom so I had some time to set things up and get Emilia ready to go.

I got Emilia dressed and made sure my dad and Jason were not going to be in tonight. I packed up everything I needed and Emilia and I headed to the surprise I had set up for Emily.

Emily pov

When I got back to Alison's house there was no one in. I was expecting Alison to be waiting for me with my present but she had went out with Emilia. I went up stairs to Alison's room to have a lie down. I was ready to jump on the bed I seen a small piece of paper sitting on it.

Fancy a coffee? Love Alison and Emi

I smiled and headed for the door. I don't know why Alison would go get a coffee without me and not just wait for me to get home.

It only took five minutes for me to get to the brew from Alison's house.

I couldn't see her or Emilia anywhere. Hanna was standing at the counter.

"Hey Han have you seen Ali?"

"Yes but she's not here, She told me to give you this." Hanna smiled and handed me a piece of paper and a single rose.

"What is this?"

"I need to go." Hanna practically ran out of the brew.

I opened the piece of paper.

English was always Aria's favourite class.

What the hell was this? And what did it mean? Was this meant to be some sort of treasure hunt for my birthday?

I left the brew and headed to the school. I figured if this clue was to do with class then it was probably school. I had to admit this was making me very excited about what I would be getting at the end of it.

I pulled up at the school and got out of the car. All of the lights throughout the building. All except one class room and I knew which class that was. I ran along the corridors until I reached Ezra's old classroom. When I entered the room Aria was standing at the teachers desk.

"Hey." She smiled.

"So what do you have for me?"

Aria laughed and handed me a small teddy bear and a piece of paper. I opened the piece of paper and knew instantly where she was talking about.

So many good memories in water

"Thanks." I shouted back to Aria as I ran out of the classroom, down the corridors and to the pool.

Paige was sitting in the bleachers staring at a photo frame. When she seen me smiled and I walked over to where she was sitting.

"What are you doing here?"

"Alison asked for my help for your birthday"

I was happy Alison and Paige wer getting on now. I sat down beside her.

"Is that for me?" I asked pointing to the photoframe.

"Yes I was just looking at it." Paige handed me the photo frame.

Inside was a photo of me with Alison and Emilia on our wedding day. Tears threatened to spill but I held them back.

"I'm happy for you Em I really am. I only ever wanted for you to be happy."

I took Paige's hand. "I know and I hope you can find the same kind of happiness one day too." I smiled.


"Paige have you met someone?"

"We have only been on a few dates but I like her."

"That is amazing. Do I get to meet her one day? We could double date?"

"Yeah sure I would like that. You better hurry though don't want to leave Alison waiting too long." Paige handed me a small piece of paper.

Come find me at our spot

I couldn't have smiled any harder when I read it.

"I better go." I couldn't wait to see Alison.

I raced out of the school into my car and headed to the kissing rock. I drove as fast I legal could. I could see Alison sitting with Emilia on a picnic blanket beside the kissing rock as I pulled up. I climbed out my car and Alison's face lit up. As I got closer she stood Emilia up. Emilia took a few steps towards me and I met her half way, scooping her up in my arms. She giggled as I filled hehr face with kisses.

"Hey beautiful." I sat down beside Alison and sat Emilia down in front of us, although she didn't stay there for long. She began crawling around in the grass the moment I put her down.

I pulled Alison on to my lap an she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"I love you so much wife." I smiled.

"I love you too birthday girl." I pulled Alison's face to mine and kissed her passionately.

Alison put her arms around my neck pulling her body closer to mine. I felt like luckiest person in the world.

"Thank you for all my presents I love them."

"You have one more." Alison looked excited.

She pulled out a book from her bag and handed me it.

"What's this?"

"Open it."

Emilia had now crawled back over to us and was standing up leaning on Alison's back.

I opened the book and was breathtaken by what I saw. It was filled with photos from our honeymoon in Athens. It was beautiful. Truly the greatest gift she could have given me.


"Ali I love it. Thank you."

"No Em there's someone there." Alison stood up and lifted Emilia.

"Who's there?" I tried to pretend I wasn't scared but deep down I was terrified.

I didn't know what to expect but I definitely wasn't expecting to see who stepped out.

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