An Idea

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Alison pov

I was lying on the bed while Emily showered. She spoke about going out tomorrow to look for a new place but I think I have a better idea with what to do with the money. I just had to wait until she got out of the shower to tell her. I watched Emilia sleep as I waited, thinking of how much better her life would be away from here, away from A.

I heard the water shut off and prepared myself to suggest my idea to Emily. She came in dripping water over th floor with a towel wrapped round her perfect athletic body.

"Whats wrong?"

I guessed I must have looked worried, i was a little about suggesting this because Emily might think im insane for wanting to run away again this time with her and Emilia.

"Em sit down." I moved over slightly for Emily to sit next to me on the bed.

She began to mirror my look of worry. I took a deep breath and Emily put her hands on mine.

"Whatever it is Ali its okay I'm here."

"I want to use that money from the old place to run away with you and Emilia and get away from A." I blurted it all out.

The whole room was silent except from Emilias slow breathing. I slowly lifted my head to see Emily's face. She had no expression, I guess she was so shocked her face didnt even get time to make an expression. I waited for her to say something but what felt like 2 hours passed and no one spoke.


She just looked at me, her eyes focused on mine. I wish she would say something sll the tension is making my stomach turn. After another short silent Emily broke it.

"Why would you think that was a good idea? Emilia having to live in hiding the rest of her life."

"It wouldn't be the rest of her life, A isnt going to be after us forever. They'll find out who that bitch is eventually they'll get caught."

Emily pov

Part of what Alison was saying was making sense. I understood why she would want us to run away with the money, I can't say it didnt cross my mind for a second while I was in the shower.

"I dont know Ali we really need to talk about this. It might put everyone else on danger and who's to say we would escape A. A is always everywhere, theyre always one step ahead of us."

"We need to atleast try Em. I don't want us to be living in fear and fearing for Emilia A has medled in her life enough and shes only two years old. I want a better life than this for her."

I could see how sincere Ali was being. I could see the pain in her face. I looked down at Emilia sleeping, her innocent angel-like face so perfect.

"Let me just think baby. I need some time to just figure it all out."

"We need to wait for the check to clear in the bank anyway so we wouldn't have to leave right away."

Ali could sense that I was coming round to the idea of getting away from here and all the problems it held, but what about our friends and family.

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