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~~Emma's POV~~

"Welcome to Lionsdale, where all nightmares come true"

I said the words then turned and walked to the flag pole, where I always meet my 5 best friends. I could feel Niall's eyes boring into my back. I wanted to turn around and snap at him, but I just kept walking. Vanessa was already at the flagpole. "Omygosh" she said in a rush. "What?" I inquired. "Ok, so there was this hot new boy on my bus his name was Louis and he had this hot british accent and just wow." I blinked. Vanessa was talking super fast and I could barely keep up. "Ok..." I said.

"There he is!" She pointed behind me. I turned around. A boy with tousled brown hair was talking to Niall. "Is that him?" I asked, pointing at the brown haired boy. "Yup" she said. Then Quinn walked over. "Hey guys! Another monday in a storm of mondays, huh?" Quinn was nice, but she had no social skills. She said things she thought were funny that were not funny to anyone else.

"Guys, Keegan sat with a BOY today." Quinn said. "So? I did too." "But Keegan always sits with- wait what?" Quinn gasped. "You sat with a BOY today?" "Yup" I said. "But Keegan's always been the only one of us five brave enough to even TALK to boys! Wait, you did talk to him, right?" Vanessa chimed in. "Well... Kind of."

"KIND OF? You sit with a boy and you don't talk to him?" I glared at her. "I did, but it was only like three sentences." Vanessa looked down. "Better that nothing, I guess." I smirked. "Whatever." Then Janie ran over from the right. "Oh my God guys what's happenin'? Emma you sound annoyed and so do you, Vee. Quinn looks like she wants to run away, and Keegs is no where to be found." (One, Vee is our little nickname for Vanessa and Keegs is our nickname for Keegan)

Janie, or Jay, is REALLY perceptive. She can always tell what we're feeling. Its sometimes very disturbing. But most of the time she's ok. Vee looked at Jay with annoyance. "Not the best time, Jay. Can't you see we're discussing something?" Quinn shot her head to turn to Vanessa. "Vee, just because you're in a bad mood doesn't mean you have to put everyone else in a bad mood!" "Whoa there!" I laughed. "Little old Quinn, the peacemaker, has some fire in her!"

Quinn glared at me.

"Sorry." I said. "Just trying to lighten up the mood a bit. " "Well don't."  Both Quinn and Vanessa snapped. Then they looked at each other, and after a moment they both burst out laughing. Jay and I joined in a moment later. Just then, Keegan ran over.

"What's so funny?" She asked with a smile on her face. A kind of wierd smile, I might add. Jay caught her breath first. "It's kind of hard to explain, Keegs. We were mad, then something awkward happened." "Awkward!" Quinn burst out. Then she started laughing harder. When she realized no one else was laughing, she tried to stop by holding her breath. That did not work. She just erupted into ever louder laughter. It was such a funny episode the other three and I all bursted out laughing as well.

We laughed until first bell rang. We had five minutes to get to class now. We bolted inside. Vanessa, Quinn, and Jay all went down the left hallway, (Vanessa and Jay had science, while Quinn had French.) and Keegan and I went right. We had English first together. As we walked down the long hallway to the stairs, I smirked at Keegan. "Soooo..." I started. "Where were you while our little 'episode' was going on, hmmm?"  Keegan (a ginger by the way) blushed bright red.

"I was... LOOK A PINEAPPLE!" Keegan screamed pointing to a spot on the wall, which earned the two of us some strange looks. "You can't fool me." I smirked. "Come on! Where were you? Were you... hmmm... Perhaps talking to a boy? A cute one?" Keegan opened her eyes wide. "Shut up! How do you know that?" I rolled my eyes. "Quinn rides your bus, remember?" "Oh. Duh." Keegan blushed. 

I smiled triumphantly. "So, who is this boy?" Keegan looked around, then started talking. "Ok, so his name's Harry. He and four other guys came from Europe to study in America! And he's HOT!" I couldn't help myself. I laughed. "What?" Keegan glared at me. "It's just... never mind." I ceased my laughing. "You never act like this! It's funny seeing you fawn over a really hot guy, just for his looks!" I said. Keegan looks hurt. "I know him! Not too well, but enough!" "Fine." I said, smiling. "Maybe he's in English with us and you can stare at the back of his head!" Keegan not-so-softly slapped me and we ended up in front of the classroom. 

I rubbed my cheek and glared at Keegan. She gave me a huge, fake smile, and giggled. I glared at her again, then said, "Let's go." We walked into the classroom and sat in our assigned seats, I in the second row, Keegan in the fifth. 

~~~~~~The class rolled on~~~~~

About halfway through the class Mrs. Malika got a call. (There are phones for the teachers in every classroom. They are used like intercoms. Wierd, huh?) She nodded after a minute then hung up. "Emma?" I looked up. "Please go to the office." I stood up. I got up and glanced at Keegs. She shrugged and gave me a thumbs up. Once I got out of the classroom, I speedwalked to the office. I wanted to get it over with, whatever they thought I did, I didn't do. 

 I got to the office in record time. As I sat in one of the chairs in the office waiting room, the front desk lady looked up. "Are you Emma?" I nodded. Go in the back, to the conference room. The others are already there." She said, gesturing to a door leading off to the right. I nodded again and walked to the door and walked through, slightly annoyed that, though I hurried, I was not here first. And I didn't even know there were other people coming! I got to the door that was labled, "Conference Room" and pushed the door open.

Who was in the room was a surprise.


I don't know, I just felt like doing that. (Sorry Keegs) UPDATE HOW TO SAVE A LIFE BY THE WAY KEEGAN!!! It's a great book! You should read it! YAY PINEAPPLES! Ok so just so ya'll know, One Direction is nonexistant in my story, only the members. Like, the boys are not in the band. So... How was ya'll's day? OH YEAH! I started school, so it's harder to update. I'm going to try to keep a scedule. I'm going to post a short chappie during the week and a long one on the weekends. YAY FOR SCEDULES! Yeah... Next chappie will probably be short. So read, vote, and COMMENT SHIP NAMES FOR EMMA&NIALL AND KEEGAN&HARRY 

P.S. Next chappie won't be THAT eventful but will answer some questions, then the next chappies after that should have some Nemma and Karry. (??????)

YAY! Please read, comment, and vote! Bye 'till next time loves!


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